1. My Library Fantasy: Jeremy, chapter 3

    Date: 11/3/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: bonnierabbit, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories

    late." He grins his cheeky grin at me. We both laugh big laughs at this, and I'm relieved that he's not pressing me to tell him what I know. Just then two officers enter, a woman and a man, with a tape recorder and a pile of paperwork, and we both jump. They definitely heard us laughing from the corridor. "Glad you're taking this seriously," the man says, and the mood instantly changes to being tense again. The woman begins to explain that she normally wouldn't allow a move to an open prison when there has been fighting, but that this is Jeremy, who has an outstanding record of behaviour overall and she might be able to overlook it. She tells me open prison means a lot personally to Jeremy. She says we both wrote the same thing about the incident and that it probably means we're both telling the truth. However, she says she's also been speaking to Jane about our working relationship. My heart sinks, because Jane, my manager, fucking hates me and does everything in her power to keep me and Jeremy apart for as much of the week as she can. I know she does it because she thinks I'm passing him DVDs he shouldn't have: she has no idea that we appear to be to close because I've been fucking him. "You don't know each other from outside of prison do you?" she asks this very quietly, before raising her eyebrows at both of us in turn. "No," we both say at once, and it's true, although we both look very suspicious. The woman looks at the male officer, as if trying to judge his opinion ...
    without saying anything. "Did you pass him a DVD?" she asks quickly, attempting to catch me out by keeping the questions coming. She's clearly trying to assess exactly how close we are. I'm very nervous about this, as if she found out the truth, I'd be joining Jeremy and going to jail myself. I couldn't possibly feel more powerless right now. "No, but I know the incident you're referring to." Time seems to slow right to a stop as I realise I can't tell them the truth, which is that Jeremy stole it. That will mean he doesn't get to open prison for sure. I suddenly realise it's me that has the power. The power to push the decision in any way I want, and that Jeremy knows it. So... do I want him to stay here with me, or go to an open prison where he can go outside, with anybody? I decide, and choose my words extremely carefully, "Actually Jane gave him access to DVDs she shouldn't have by mistake. Jeremy is allowed to borrow DVDs on his own library account." There. No lies. No dropping Jeremy in it. I get a horrible feeling that this fucking DVD and exactly who gave it to Jeremy will be discussed in the library office with Jane again, while the officers get bribed with tea and chocolate biscuits. My heart seems to disappear through the floor at the thought. The rest of the interview is less tense, as the officers realise I'm behaving professionally after all, although it seems to last for a thousand years. Eventually the officers thank us and leave, and we're alone in the room ...