1. My Library Fantasy: Jeremy, chapter 3

    Date: 11/3/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: bonnierabbit, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories

    It was Thursday night, and it was association, when the prisoners are free to socialise. The library was heaving, as it always was on the evening shifts. Which strangley enough was after Jane conveniently finished work and I was left as the only staff member for a couple of hours. Tonight, Jeremy was my orderly on duty. I loved Thursdays. Sometimes the banter is good when it's like this, although there's not so many razor sharp wits in here, the prisoners can be really funny, in a comedy idiot kind of way. Currently about six of them had made the same joke to each other, "What are you doing in here? I didn't know you could read!" Very good, lads. "What's the second 50 shades book called?" I hear one razor sharp wit ask Jeremy. "50 shades darker," he answers, politely. I'm impressed by his knowledge of the books. "Where is it, mate?" he asks, and Jeremy points the section out. That's right, we have a whole erotic section now. Thankfully he's asked Jeremy to show him where it is, and not me. "50 shades lighter isn't there, mate," the prisoner informs us. "No, 50 shades darker," Jeremy repeats, and there's a pause as two prisoners stand and look for it now. "Ey mate, did you say 50 shades lighter?" razor sharp wit's friend asks him, "Because it's not there." "No, 50 shades darker," Jeremy says again, and his teeth are clenched. "Ooh, he's kind of hot a little bit angry," I think to myself, and begin enjoying the view, chewing lightly on the tip of my index finger. "I can't ...
    find it, mate," the first one says again, snapping me out of it. "That's because it's called 50 shades darker, I can see it from here!" Jeremy is getting visibly annoyed. He's leaning right over the counter, pointing at the book with one hand, and running his other hand through his hair in frustration. There's another long pause. "Shit," I think, and start watching the three of them like a hawk. I've never seen Jeremy like this before, although I've heard about it. "50 shades lighter?" the second one says again. I honestly think they're joking to wind Jeremy up, but I seem to be overestimating them. "It's 50 shades fucking darker!" Jeremy suddenly snaps. He stands up straight, with square shoulders, and his face is in a scowl so that he looks totally different. I've heard about his temprement, and I know that it's the reason he's in here. I stop thinking it's hot, and start thinking it's scary. The two 'lighter' guys move over to the counter. They're both fucking massive. "Jeremy, you idiot," I think. I'm the only staff member in the room and I give them a warning first, "I'll press the bell if you don't stop," I say, staring at them all hard. The first one reaches over the counter and grabs Jeremy's t-shirt by both shoulders, and it's then that I run straight to the panic alarm, which is for some ridiculous reason on Jeremy's side of the counter, and press it hard. The alarms go off all over the prison, and over the radio on my belt as well. They're excruciatingly loud. Jeremy ...