1. My Library Fantasy: Jeremy, chapter 3

    Date: 11/3/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: bonnierabbit, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories

    has his face pressed right into the prisoner's face, hissing, "It's 50 shades darker, I fucking told you three times, what's wrong with you?" The prisoner is leaning his head back trying to get far enough away from Jeremy's head to headbutt him, but Jeremy isn't letting him. The counter is in the way. Bizarrely, I attempt to stifle a laugh. "General alarm in the library," my radio informs me, "Repeat, general alarm in the library." A few seconds later I hear heavy footsteps as the nearest available officers run towards the library, alarms still blasting top volume. My ears hurt. A key turns in the door, and I try to get as far into the corner of the counter as I can, away from the fighting. The first officer bursts in, and doesn't need to ask me what the problem is, as Jeremy and his new best friend are still virtually kissing. Four more enter behind him, as the first grabs Mr Lighter and tries to get his hands off Jeremy. The second comes behind the counter in between me and Jeremy and also tries to prise them apart. That's when I relax a bit. The third clears the prisoners away from the fighters, and the fourth and fifth begin getting everyone out of the library and back to the wing. The prisoners are moaning about it. Eventually, after a struggle, Mr Lighter is cuffed and I'm informed he's on his way to segregation. Jeremy is now the only prisoner in the library, and has his hands being held behind his back by one of the officers. I take a good long look at him like ...
    that, just for future reference, as I listen to another officer reminding me of how to write this incident up so they get all the details. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. It's the day after, and Jeremy and I are in interview room 3, having being called there as a matter of urgency. Jeremy is quite the expert at being sly, I can tell he knows I've been told all about his sentence plan, with extra details that only staff can know, because he's purposefully speaking as if I already know everything. I pay attention carefully to the conversation, worried that he's going to trip me up and make me reveal something I shouldn't. Fact is, I've been told he was about to be moved to an open prison next week, and the fight is a massive problem. I wonder how he's going to play me, seeing as how we've been fucking. Will he expect me to tell him information I'm not supposed to? I suddenly feel very vulnerable, and that Jeremy has all the power over me. "Ever been in a meeting like this before?" he asks. He knows I've not. "No," I say, then look right at him and smile, fronting it out, "Have you?" "Yeah," he says, and scrunches up his eyebrows and stares through the wall, acting like he's the bad boy remembering all the trouble he's been in. I know full well he's a little nerd with a temper. I call out his act, "Do you often start fights over erotic fiction bestsellers?" He laughs and straightens up in his chair, "Actually, I punched a guy because he brought back Mrs Chatterley's Lover ...