1. My Library Fantasy: Jeremy, chapter 3

    Date: 11/3/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: bonnierabbit, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories

    again. The library is right next to the interview rooms, and Jeremy is allowed to move unescorted around the prison anyway, so they tell us to make our own way back. As they leave, we both sigh at the same time with relief as the tension disappears, then turn towards each other and laugh. We were just so alike, it was amazing. He was already using my attraction to him to get an advantage - I hadn't told the officers that he had stolen the DVD, and when I thought about it, that was the reason why. At the same time, I could tell if I wanted, and ruin his chances of getting to open prison, so maybe it was me with the power. I just couldn't tell, and I started to feel like I wasn't in control anymore and in a little over my head. "Hayley," Jeremy said and looked at me, parodying the way in which I'd opened our two previous playtimes. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Then he just said, "Thank you." "You're welcome," I say automatically, and then say, "Jeremy," in answer to his opening. "I owe you big time for that," he says, "I owe you two orgasms as well." "I'll take that payment immediately," I tease, smiling on the side of my face and staring at the door, because I know what's coming next. We've fucked in prison before, in Jeremy's cell, and we were going to do it again in this interview room. All that time I've spent being a good girl, and all that time Jeremy's spent being a good boy in prison, well they were all paying off. We were trusted to be alone together. Idiots. ...
    I'm surprised to find I have more power than I thought in this situation. I thought I was being manipulated, but it turns out, Jeremy owes me. I can get whatever I want out of him right now. And I have something in particular in mind. I suddenly feel outrageously confident. I stand up, sit on the desk so I can see the door, take my knickers off, and put them in Jeremy's hand. Right there in the middle of the interview room in a men's secure prison. I wriggle my skirt up and spread my legs, showing my pussy to Jeremy. I've been keeping it shaved bare since we first started fucking, just in case. Graciously, I turn to the side so that Jeremy can kneel on the floor and still have a view of the door. I'm being very good to him today. He knows what I want, and kneels in front of me, positioning himself between my legs. I watch him wrap his hands around my thighs, and he runs a trail of kisses and licks up the inside of my right one, looking at me with hungry brown eyes. His lips meet mine, and I lean backwards and push my hips forward to press myself into his mouth. I rock my hips gently as his tongue begins to lap at me, and his eyes close as if he's really enjoying the taste of me. He moves his hands under my ass and runs his thumbs along either side of my labia, poking his tongue into my clit. With his thumbs flat against me, he gently spreads my lips apart, so my pink wetness is totally exposed to him, and licks gently at my inner folds. I want to moan loudly at this treatment, ...