Pure Obsession (Finn) - Chapter Three
Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Reluctance, Author: SITTING, Rating: 23, Source: LushStories
startled and then smiled. “Of course! What are you doing here?” “Oh, I have a friend who works in the kitchen.” The lie was quick and instinctive. “What about you? No performance tonight?” “Oh, no. Night off.” she smiled. “I’m actually waiting for Daniel.” She checked the time on her phone nervously. “He’s very late.” I hesitated and she looked at me questioningly. “What? Do you know where he is?” “I thought I heard him talking about a party,” I said with feigned reluctance. “Maybe I misunderstood, but -” She frowned, a resigned look settling across her features. “No. He obviously forgot.” I sat down on the edge of the chair opposite her. She was wearing a white dress with a high neckline and a swooping back. Silver nail polish. A delicate locket hung on a chain around her neck. A ring on her forefinger. It looked out of place, quirky but she looked more beautiful than ever. “Why do you even care about him?” I asked. “He obviously doesn’t care about himself.” “He does,” she said earnestly. “He’s not using drugs anymore. These parties, they’re all clean. All his tests come back negative. And he’s registered with a clinic that prescribes him these nutritional supplements. He does sauna stuff. It’s all meant to detoxify. Anyway, I think it’s working.” “What if he starts again?” She shook her head. “He won’t because if he does, Vincent will suspend him.” She played with the corner of her napkin. “And he doesn’t want that.” “What about all the other stuff? The drinking, the ...