Pure Obsession (Finn) - Chapter Three
Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Reluctance, Author: SITTING, Rating: 23, Source: LushStories
the restaurant was one of those real fancy places where everyone wore dinner jackets. Maybe they wouldn’t even let me through the door. I didn’t need a mirror to tell me that my hair was a mess. I didn’t need a psychiatrist to tell me that my mind was a mess. I slowed down finally as I reached the street. My phone told me it was eleven minutes past eight and I could see the sign of the restaurant. MARIONETTE’S. Small, silver letters on a deep, gunmetal background. It looked sophisticated. The windows were big and sparkling and I could see chandeliers inside. I couldn’t just walk in. I stopped outside, my hands numb and shaking from the cold. Fumblingly, I extracted a cigarette from my pocket, lighting up and dragging on it hard, trying to get the heat to circulate around my body. I could still turn around and go back home. But I didn’t want to. People went in and came out, all of them in high spirits. It seemed like they weren’t dressed particularly elegantly, although no one was wearing jeans. I exchanged the odd smile and ‘good evening’, ignored the pointed dirty looks at my cigarette and tried to work up the courage to go inside. Even if I did go in, what would it achieve? We’d probably talk down Daniel a little, and that’d be it. I hated the uncertainty. I stubbed out my cigarette against the stone wall of the restaurant, swallowed my misgivings and headed inside. “Do you have a reservation, sir?” The sycophantic guy at the desk was eyeing me suspiciously. “Yeah, I’m ...