1. Pure Obsession (Finn) - Chapter Three

    Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Reluctance, Author: SITTING, Rating: 23, Source: LushStories

    “What?” “Well, how would you define us?” she glanced at me. “I mean, we don’t know each other very well and yet it’s comfortable for us to hang out together. So are we friends? Or is this like an affair?” I laughed at her audacity. “I think… both.” “Both?” she asked unconvinced. “Yeah. We had sex so it can’t just be friendship.” Her eyes met mine, thoughtful and searching. I looked away “Where are we going?” she asked. “I have no idea,” I said. “But I like walking at night. Everything feels calmer, don’t you think?” She slipped her arm through mine. “I know what you mean. In a weird way, it feels safe. Like the night protects you.” She laughed self-consciously. “I know it sounds stupid.” “It doesn’t,” I said seriously. “It sounds… honest. Poetic.” I looked up at the night sky which was as cloudy as my intentions. All of a sudden I felt inadequate, like I shouldn’t be there, I shouldn’t be walking along the road with her and acting like a normal guy. She deserved better than me. Much better. Alessandra grabbed my hand. Her fingers were small and cold. “Wanna find a place to eat? Are you hungry?” I looked at her, surprised but she kept her eyes ahead, refusing to give me anything. I swallowed. “Yeah. But I can cook, you know. Want to come back to mine?” She thought it over for a couple of seconds. “Why don’t you come back to mine? No offence, but your place kinda sucks.” *** It felt weird, entering her flat from the front door and not the window. Her cat came running up to ...
    greet her, winding itself around her legs, hungry for attention. “Nice place,” I said conversationally. “Very nice.” Alessandra took off her coat and hung it on the back of the door. “What do you wanna eat?” I asked. “I guess it’s too late to say I forgot to go shopping.” she said a little guiltily, following me to the kitchen. “I don’t know if there’s anything worth your time. Can you even cook? I mean porridge is one thing but like dinner, that’s a whole different concept.” I opened the fridge. “So you lured me back here knowing there’d be nothing to cook? If I didn’t know any better I’d think this was some poor attempt at seduction.” She laughed. “Very funny. I know you’re too much of a gentleman to try anything.” “That’s a bit of a naïve assumption.” I said drily, taking eggs and butter from the fridge. “You shouldn’t just guess things like that.” She watched as I picked out an onion and a few small, red potatoes. “I’m serious. Maybe you’re not a gentleman, but you got what you wanted once already. Why would you bother again?” I threw her a look. “Maybe because I enjoyed it. You got a frying pan?” She turned and stretched up to reach it off the top shelf of a cupboard. Her dress inched up her legs and I couldn’t help watching. Those legs. “Here, let me.” I leaned over her to get the pan and felt her body stiffen. I laughed. “What, are you scared of me?” She hesitated. “Would it turn you on if I was?” I stopped, my breath catching in my throat. “Jesus. Don’t say things like ...