The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery
Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
hands. You’ve got to step out of those too-tight jeans and toss them away.” “It will be Christmas soon, so it is a good time to dwell on things in that way. It’s truly a magical time.” Claire reflected on the last twenty-four hours. “Maybe you’re ready for a little magic in your life as well right now.” “How do you know when it is real magic, and not just more nonsense?” Karla wondered out loud. “Remember that time when we were still living in the country; the Christmas when Molly had her litter. We were in the living room, covered with puppies. Mother came into the room, and remember, she was huge. Kristelle was due, I think in about two weeks. She sat down and told us the Christmas story and how happy the Angels were then because people listened and they were still able to talk to them. And you said that sometimes your Angel visits you at night, but he doesn’t say anything. It seemed funny at first, but then she said you might forget about those things, but that we should try never to forget the part of us that still believes in them, even if we can’t see them anymore. That is what will keep you young.” “What she told us made such an impression on me. She said, ‘They don’t go away when we are older and tend forget about them, but they are still very interested in what we think and do. They don’t like arithmetic, but they get excited when we listen to stories.’ We were all laughing about it.” “She told us that the reason the some stories make us feel good, is because they ...