The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery
Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
Claire had already been up for more than an hour when Karla wandered through the kitchen doorway. Her hand groping in front of her, she navigated her way toward the table using only one eye. One look at her and Claire couldn’t help but smile, but this was not the tone with which she wanted to start this day. She immediately turned and looked out the window while she rinsed out her coffee cup in the sink. It was very bright outside, with everything still covered by a heavy blanket of snow. The only visible signs of activity were the birds fluttering about in search of food. The sun was breaking through the clouds here and there and each recurring pulse of gold light elevated Claire a little higher. As long as there is sun, there is hope, she thought, even when it doesn’t show itself, we can count on it that it is there. Claire wouldn’t say anything before she heard Karla’s elbows hit the table. She didn’t have to look to envision her holding her head between her palms at her forehead. Her reflection in the glass confirmed it. Karla was as predicable as they come. “That was quite a storm last night,” Claire finally said, still gazing out the window. After a slight delay came the mumbled reply, “I’ll say.” Karla was totally stuck in her throbbing head. Another moment later, like a dropped boot hitting the floor, Claire’s comment finally made impact. “Oh, you mean the snow.” Karla was now almost back in her body. “Either way,” Claire said, turning. This time she couldn’t ...