1. The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery

    Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories

    uplifted. “It had to be a conversation you were ready for; one based on your own self assessment. Each of us has to discover in our own way where our real inadequacy lies. This seldom happens when you are still in your teens. We must divest ourselves of the power that self-intoxication has over us. No one can do that for us. And if we haven’t, it doesn’t matter who we have a conversation with, or what they say.” “Yeah, I learned that lesson in the walk-in the other day.” “Everything gets twisted in our mind and we always manage come out on top. It doesn’t matter what kind of a conversation you’re having, especially with your so-called “self”, because the real you isn’t truly participating. That silly girl stacks the deck. The whole time, she is running the show, while we are unconscious – and then somehow we always win – or so it seems. We convince ourselves we are on top, but that is just an illusion. It is not even who we really are. The fact is, we all have to start at the bottom, and through our own efforts realize that this is, in fact, where we really are. At first, the truth really smarts.” “Well it hurts a lot less when you bring it on yourself. Remind me to tell you about Maurice and Alice.” “Speaking of Maurice, people around us are often easily fooled and have an opinion of us that is based on all the wrong things. Is that what you want to base your self-conception on? Someone as pretty as you easily falls for that bullshit. When was the last time, you pushed out ...
    those boobs and some guy looked into your eyes? Do you really think that while Larry is gawking at your gorgeous ass, he is forming a tie line to your higher self? That’s all lots of fun, but we shouldn’t let all that fool us as well. When you are interested in the truth you can really get sick of all that. If someone is content with the superficial, then that is what their life will be like.” “Yeah, it’s like I am not even really there,” Karla was tracking heart to heart. “You don’t even know what you can really do or what you are really made of. It is so important for you to know that you are more than what goes on at the surface. And no one can make that discovery for you. We learn about ourselves from others, but we must recognize the tendency we all have toward puffing ourselves up to be something other than what we truly are.” Karla was resolved. “I know it’s all a game.” She had really had it. All this running in circles, only to get nowhere had produced nothing that she felt was really worthwhile. It was laying there in front of her like all the crap from the basement that had no place any longer in the house. It had to go. “New, I just need to start new. There is nothing worthwhile to fix.” “Bad dreams can’t be fixed. You can’t dive into them and make them better. It is a matter of waking up. All these problems just sit in your pockets like pieces of broken glass. They irritate the shit out of you but you can’t just reach in and pull them out without cutting up your ...