1. The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery

    Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories

    words, she seemed distant, searching for what she might be overlooking. It was as if she were waiting to hear what to do next. Waiting was not Karla’s specialty, so she was clueless as what to do or say. The last thing Claire would want to hear was a string of meaningless words, even if they did convey her sympathy. Even now, Claire was not limited to the present. It was the future that had her attention. We shape the future in ways other than simply through our deeds. “I have to check with Martin, I hope he’s home. We’ll have to hear what he thinks. Most likely, I’ll call off my shift today and go over to the hospital. Maybe you can come with me?” Claire asked. What matters is that you move with your heart, that your heart moves your words not just your mind. The heart simplifies, the mind complicates. “Sure, I’ll clean up here in the meantime,” Karla replied. Claire gabbed her sweater off the same armchair that she used to rest Matt’s coat just last night. She didn’t close the door behind her as she headed downstairs. It was eleven in the morning. In a mere twenty-four hours her life had changed completely. It doesn’t need to take longer.