The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery
Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
like it was a spirited horse.” She smiled, sat back in her chair and now winked. “Once broken in, they are the best you know.” Some of the most sensible lessons in life they had learned in their early life in the country. Karla found some small measure of consolation with this idea, but immediately sensed encroaching vanity. Wasn’t this where the whole mess started? “How do I keep it in check?” she asked. “There is always some measure of egotism in striving. Much comes and goes, and at first you only know the tumult. But with you, one thing remains consistent and fruitful and that is your persistent determination to get to the bottom of things. That is the attribute that you can rely on. The integrity of your striving can be measured by your ability to work with others, tolerate others, and get along with others. Taking an interest in others takes us out beyond ourselves and frees us from the harmful consequences of egotism. That is your measure.” “If your work in the kitchen doesn’t bring you satisfaction anymore, you might start asking yourself who you were serving. Perhaps Martin will be able to offer you some advice in this area. If it weren’t for him I never would have discovered nursing. But if you don’t ask, you will never get.” “You have to live in the spirit of asking; wanting to know. Your integrity and attempts at self-honesty don’t get you into trouble. It is true it can get pretty uncomfortable, but that’s because they awaken you to the mess you are already in. ...