The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery
Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
that silly girl won’t just drive you around, day after day, like you are on a roller coaster. Besides, that girl isn’t even you!” In spite of the troubling effects of confusion that arose in her emotional life, Karla had an implicit confidence in the lasting reality of the world order. Rain still falls down; and corn still is drawn upward by the Sun. The tempests in her own soul life were unable to dislodge her firm grasp on the conviction that, in the end, the rainbow would appear. She aligned her inner orientation to match what prevailed in the creation, and of this she was certain. She made the allowance that she herself was a work in progress and the turmoil was simply part of that process. For her, the fleeting disturbances that rocked her boat could not prevail in time. They only all the more strengthened her grip on what, for the time being was not within the scope of her vision, but she was certain, none-the-less, had to be there. The turmoil was more of an expression of what, she in her own life, had to become free of, than a permanent part of her life. Now, she had had it. Suddenly the light came on, and Karla blurted out, “Okay. Now I get it. The “silly girl” of the past, and the silly girl of the present are not the two girls - they are one girl. She only thinks that she has choices and makes decisions, but she just goes from one bump in the road to the next like she’s in a dream. Then one day maybe the real girl wakes up and realizes that she is neither. ...