1. The Plain Girl - Chapter 6: Crash Recovery

    Date: 10/24/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: xreynolds, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories

    such a reliable source, you wouldn’t be in the state you are this morning.” “But that’s why I’m talking to you now,” she pleaded. “I can only help so much.” Claire turned back to the sink and rinsed out the dishcloth. She was so abrupt. It was clear. Today, there would be no nonsense allowed. Karla was looking for a lifeline but it wasn’t going to come in such a simple form. For a moment these words seemed to her like a dense vapor that hung in the space between them. Claire was being much more direct with her than she had ever been before. She made it clear by her delivery, that it was of the utmost importance that Karla was both ready and wanted to hear all this. Something more was being required of her. Claire continued. “You’re divided in two.” Again there was a drawn out pause. “It’s not like you even had a choice, but look at the way the way you’re approaching it. The problem lies there. It has more to do with the way you’re put together. You need higher ground. First off, you need to wake up to the fact that you’re in a particular type of conflict, and you will just keep repeating the same errors until you snap out of it.” “Start here.” Claire sat down. “You’ve got the You who you were yesterday with whom you are so unhappy and the You who you seem to be now, and at the moment you’re not happy with her either. Well that You who you seem to be now will soon be the girl of yesterday. But neither is really YOU and neither will ever bring you any real happiness unless you ...
    change your entire approach.” “Keep going,” Karla said concentrating with whatever she had. She considered mornings the time of her most progressive thinking, when the distractions of the day hadn’t time to dull her inwardness. At least now she was awake. “You struggle to find satisfaction in life,” Claire continued, “but all you bring to life is demands. When everything goes your way, you are happy; when it doesn’t, you’re not. You don’t seem to want to make the connection between your demands and your dissatisfaction. You are making your own mess. Then you stew in it and wonder why?” Karla felt strung between relief and the sting that such an idea caused. Both eyes were now wide open, and she couldn’t blink either of them. The stark reality had frozen her. To hear it so plainly spoken was convulsively bitter experience. On the other hand, she was at the end of her tether and wanted to hear it more than anything. Life did seem to continually split her in two. “At one moment you want to be a cook. You take great pleasure in the activity as you feast on the experience. You acquire more and more knowledge and skills. Now that you can do a thousand different things with an egg, you feel that it is pointless.” Karla didn’t even notice how extraordinary it was that Claire was so on the mark. She was just happy that she was. She knew that her sister understood her better than she understood herself. She just took it for granted. But this was exactly what had to change. It was time ...