1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 17

    Date: 10/19/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100, Rating: 25, Source: LushStories

    strained mightily in the attempt! She continued to ride me, fast and hard, and, at least for the time-being, my cock cooperated fully by remaining rigid inside of her. My rigidity lasted just long enough, in fact, for her to work up one more orgasm, her body going stiff and her pussy clamping onto me as she came, after which, within a couple of minutes, I could feel myself beginning to go limp even as she continued to ride me. Our bodies were pressed together now, Alli collapsed on my cum-streaked chest and sliding in our combined sweat and love juices, her nipples hard and spermy, and I could feel some of that combination – mostly my semen, I’m sure - trickling down between our joined sex and around my depleted and aching balls and onto the upholstery. “Uh-oh! Margaret’s going to be mad if we get cum stains on the furniture!” Alli laughed weakly. “We don’t have a Margaret, remember? More importantly, what’s my husband going to think if he sees it? Fresh cum stains on our sofa, ones he knows he didn’t make? He’ll know what a bad girl I’ve been!” I chuckled. “Mmm, yeah, I know! Maybe he likes that you’re such a bad girl, huh? I suppose I better find my pants and get out of here before he gets home. You can get that stain out, right?” “I always have in the past!” She wiggled on me. “Don’t leave just yet; I’m still enjoying that huge cock of yours inside of me.” As if on cue, my limp and less-than-huge cock slithered out of her to a duet of groans. She sighed. “Okay, you can go ...
    ahead and leave now.” I laughed. “Oh, just like that! Once you’ve left me limp and used up I’m no longer of any use to you, so you just throw me out? Nice!” She slid off of me and rose to her feet, and then shrugged. “Of course – I have my loving husband to meet all of my other needs. Have I ever led you to believe anything else?” “No, I suppose not. Oh, by the way, am I Boris, or am I one of your hundreds of other lovers today?” “You can be whoever you want to be; after all, there are so many lovers to choose from!” She smiled, a sexy little tease in her eyes. I had to grin at her casual, off-the-cuff playfulness. “I could be Michael – you’d love that!” She looked me up and down, her eyes lingering on my wet but shrunken sex. “You’re really a bit pale for that role – and sweetie, I hate to be the one to tell you, but you’re just not built for it.” I laughed, surprised at her candor, even as a thrill of combined jealousy and arousal coursed through me. “Oh, thanks so much for noticing! Jeez, Alli!” She giggled. “What? He’s much taller than you – that’s all I meant!” “I’m sure it is!” I lunged at her, but missed. “C’mere, you! I know a little girl that’s been naughty and deserves a spanking!” She ran away laughing as I gave chase, my limp, wet cock flopping about and Ruby hot on my heels, tail wagging as she barked her head off. She made a wrong turn, and I caught her in the dead-end hallway where her only options were to stop in the laundry room, or continue out the door into ...