1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 17

    Date: 10/19/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100, Rating: 25, Source: LushStories

    the cold garage – and if she’d chosen the latter, I might just have hit the button to raise the door! I wrapped my arms around her, our naked bodies pressed together as we tussled, both of us slick with cum, and Ruby whirled around our legs barking at us. We were laughing and wrestling – more like rasslin’, actually, and I managed to get in one good smack on Alli’s naked bottom in retaliation for her remark about my physical qualifications. It surprised her and made her jump, but apparently not in a bad way. “Oooh! Mmm, please, sir, may I have another?” I laughed, and gave her another slap on the butt, which actually made Ruby growl at me! Alli was more receptive. “Mmm, is that what happens to bad girls that tease their man about…certain things?” “Yes! When you get all naughty like that, you deserve it, don’t you think?” “Oh, definitely! I shouldn’t make fun of an issue you’re so sensitive about, even if it is such a…small detail!” I laughed. “You’re really asking for it, you know that?” I smacked her butt again, hard enough to make a pop and maybe sting just a bit, but not hard enough to hurt her. “I should put you over my knee and spank you proper, young lady!” “Promises, promises!” “Okay, that does it!” I used my foot to drag the small stepstool out, the one Alli stands on to reach things in the cabinet over the washer and dryer, and sat down on it, the rubber safety tread cold and rough against my bare ass. Pulling Alli down over my knees, I gave her firm, perfect butt a ...
    couple more resounding smacks, actually beginning to leave pink handprints on her soft flesh, and she moaned and yelped accordingly as Ruby growled and poked her cold, wet nose into my back and armpit, trying to make me stop torturing her mommy. Soon, of course, after just a few more smacks on her reddening ass, I was distracted by the proximity and vulnerability of my bride’s sweet little wet, pink pussy in this position, and my fingers began to explore that little treasure, her punishment forgotten. Pretty sure she knew that would happen, and her cries soon faded away and became moans and heavy breathing instead. Her upper thighs were slick with my seed that had dribbled out of her, and I worked my fingers in all that incredibly sensual heat and wetness. Major hubbub and games apparently over, Ruby walked out and laid down in the hall. I was gently diddling Alli’s slick, hot sex with my fingers, enjoying the wetness and slipperiness of her soft folds, and actually – and astonishingly - beginning to get aroused again myself, so soon after my last climax and the several that had come before! Alli has that effect on me anyhow, and with the drug I still had in my system… Her sounds were becoming more urgent, more in tune with possibly nearing a climax of her own, when she surprised me by pushing my hand away and asking me to stop. “Really? You want me to quit?” “Please – if you don’t mind.” “No, of course not – if that’s what you want. But it seemed like we could get that train ...