1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 17

    Date: 10/19/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100, Rating: 25, Source: LushStories

    its horny little clitoris pressed to my hardness as she rubbed on me. Obviously it felt good to her, because she’d designed the move, and continued to do it; I cooperated simply by staying hard and letting her, which I was more than happy to do. When she reached behind her back and found my balls (more or less right where we both expected them to be) she squeezed them firmly, almost painfully, and I groaned. She pulled back for a moment and looked at me. “Did I hurt you?” “Mmm, maybe just a tiny bit – but in a good way; don’t stop.” She didn’t. Instead she continued to squeeze and maul my scrotum quite roughly, very much taking the superior, more aggressive role in our lovemaking, something I recognized as an indication of just how aroused she really was! Eventually she lowered herself enough to trap my hard cock between her sex and my lower abdomen and simply continued to grind and slide on me, making no effort to take me inside. It soon became apparent that she was well on the road to getting herself off this way, and I knew that if it went on long enough it would do the same for me. I looked down between us, loving the way her sex made an inverted ‘U’ shape where she formed around my hard shaft, and the way the slick and glistening head of my cock would make an appearance each time she moved backwards only to again disappear into her soft folds when she came toward me. “This must be feeling pretty good to you, huh, babe?” “Oh, god yes! Is it okay for you?” Her voice ...
    sounded shaky to me, slightly strained, and I knew she was nearing orgasm. “Oh, absolutely! You know it is, you’ve made me come this way before…and will again, fairly soon unless I’m mistaken.” “Not too soon!” “No, I don’t think so. You don’t want me inside of you?” “I want you like this and inside of me; can you manage that?” “No, not without being twice the man I am – but this is great.” It really was; inside of her I’d have probably come already, so the delay was working out well for both of us. We both stopped talking and focused on feeling, instead, and when she came she crushed herself against me, and it felt like she was almost ripping my nuts off my body with her tight grip… but in a good way, if you know what I mean. Her intensity was such that it was contagious, and my initial burst of cum shot up all the way onto my right nipple in a long, white rope that left a glistening, pearlescent streak from navel to nipple. She ground herself against my spasming cock, riding the crest of her orgasm as I came, spurting another rope of cum onto my stomach, and then suddenly she rose up and took me inside of her in one long, deep thrust, crying out loudly as she did…or that might have been me, crying out. I’m not really sure. I continued to pump and spasm inside of her, coming more, again emptying myself into her; the fact was though, after the last fifteen or eighteen hours or so, I was fairly sure that I didn’t have much more to give in the way of actual semen, even though my penis ...