1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 17

    Date: 10/19/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100, Rating: 25, Source: LushStories

    affection that’s going to be much more difficult to hide; you’ve pushed me pretty close to that point a couple of times now.” Rather than taking that as the warning that I’d intended, she seemed to kind of like the idea. “Wouldn’t that be fun!” I snorted. “For you, maybe! A need for public humiliation is just not part of my makeup; I have enough other weird personality things and kinks going on without that!” I looked over at her; she looked beautiful, vibrant and alive, her eyes sparkling happily. “You know, speaking of public arousal, I’m still amazed at how horny you are today! You’ve really got a one-track mind, and that track seems to be nothing but sex – which, you know, if you have to stay on one track ain’t a bad choice.” She smiled at me. “Yup, and all because you’re such a stud.” And, with that, she started trying to tug my zipper down! When she failed to do so one-handed, she leaned across the console and got her other hand involved; it’s still not an easy task, getting a blue jeans zipper lowered while someone is seated behind a steering wheel, but she finally managed, and fished my rigid cock out into the daylight. The rest of the way home she slowly fondled me, paying special attention to the head of my cock and smearing my leakage around on it to use as lube while she touched and teased. She was driving me crazy, but is a master at keeping me right at the edge of the cliff, and I was squirming in my seat, my balls all a-tingle. On two occasions something ...
    taller – once a pickup truck and the other time a jacked-up Jeep with huge wheels and tires – pulled up next to us, and she would quickly pull my jacket over my lap. All without releasing her grip on me, however; I may not have been exposed to them, but to the keen observer, her arm disappearing beneath the jacket in the vicinity of my groin probably told the story. We somehow made it home without me doing my best ‘Old Faithful’ impression, and when I lowered the garage door behind us she led me into the house by my penis, Ruby bounding happily ahead. Three steps inside the door we started undressing each other, touching and stroking as we did so. She was on fire, her nipples erect and her pussy hot, wet, and so very ready, and we left our clothes scattered on the floor between the door and the family room, where she pushed me back onto the loveseat and climbed onto my lap, straddling me, as if determined to make that piece of furniture prove itself worthy of its name. She thrust her tits into my face as I lowered my head to her chest and suckled eagerly at her erect nipples, eliciting moans of appreciation. I crushed a breast in each hand, squeezing them roughly, and moved my lips from one to the other, sucking and licking at her stiff and sensitive pink nubs, loving the feeling of the tremors I was sending through her body, using my teeth to gently stretch her nipple out before letting it slip free. She was grinding herself against my erection, just the front of her crevice and ...