1. Betrayed by Everyone Complete

    Date: 10/21/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Cheating, Cruelty, Cuckold, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Violence, Author: Nebic, Rating: 82.4, Source: sexstories.com

    from his boss, it was another video message. Shaking his head, he could already feel his stomach twisting into a knot. The message under the video read: Happy Birthday. Swallowing and taking a deep breath, Ashley hit play. It was what he feared. The video came to life, blurry images flashed, while loud noises filled the bathroom. Once the camera had become still and focused, Ashley's jaw dropped at the scene. Down on all fours, on top of a low cut table was his girlfriend, being fucked from both ends. The table rocked back and forth as her moans barely passed the cock in her mouth. What happened next was even worse, the camera backed out and gave a clear picture of the entire room. "Say happy birthday to Ashley everyone!" His boss yelled, getting everyone's attention. Ashley broke into sobs as he noticed all his friends clustered around his girlfriend. They all shouted drunkenly and waved, beer in their hands. Ashley's best friend was currently being sucked off, while another friend continued to fuck her from behind. Suddenly the camera moved, and panned over to something square and blue. It was his birthday cake, already half eaten. "Don't worry we'll save you some, Virgin." His boss laughed. "Oooh fuck, yeah!" His girlfriend screamed across the room, the cock in her mouth recently removed, now squirting across her face."Ashley just texted me and asked if I was coming!" Mark yelled, the entire room roaring with laughter. "See they were going to go to your gay little ...
    bowling party, but I promised them free pussy and beer." David said, confidently. "I'm just upset your mom didn't come." He added, giving Ashley a huge sigh of relief, despite the stream of tears running down his cheeks. A familiar problem had also occurred, Ash's dick had become hard from watching their orgy. "Hey listen." His boss said, now whispering into the camera where no one could hear him. "As drunk as your friends are, I bet they would gang bang you just as hard." He said with a wink before walking back to the group. "Well I'm next, Virgin. Everyone tell Ashley bye!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention again. Again they waved, until his boss held out his middle finger. It was a chain reaction, suddenly all his friends, including his girlfriend aimed their middle finger at the phone his boss held. "Bye!" A few shouted before the video cut off. Ashley gave into his pain, and wept loudly in the stall. Even after ten minutes of crying, he still felt empty, and still had a hard on. "Fuck." He sobbed, grabbing his cock and hitting replay on the video. The rain was pouring outside now, the sound covering most of his sobs and moans as he re-watched the video and jerked off. Nearing his edge, the noise from the rain muffled the sound of the bowling ally, and the owner entering the bathroom. Huffing and puffing, Ashley leaned back on the toilet, closing his eyes as his small cock spit across the stall, hitting the door. It was a temporary enjoyment before his orgasm began to ...