1. Betrayed by Everyone Complete

    Date: 10/21/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Cheating, Cruelty, Cuckold, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Violence, Author: Nebic, Rating: 82.4, Source: sexstories.com

    fade, and he opened his eyes to find the owner standing in front of him with the door open. Unaware that the door didn't lock, Ashley turned bright red in embarrassment and stuttered trying to explain himself,but the owner wasn't amused. "Get the fuck out you little faggot!" He shouted shoving Ashley out of the bowling alley, and into the pouring rain. His pants half down, Ashley slammed into the muddy earth, now covered in thick brown muck and discarded cigarette butts. With no choice, he jumped on his bike, and started pedaling home, his tears mixing with rain. The soggy earth made it harder to petal, and so Ashley rode for nearly an hour before getting home. Unlocking the door and stepping in, his phone buzzed. "Just finished work, I'm driving as fast as I can." His mother's text read. "I'm at the house, please come home." He replied before peeling his dripping wet clothes off and walking to the shower. ***** Monday came and went, Ashley refused to go into work. His mother fully understood, after seeing the video she couldn't believe how awful things had become for her son. Tuesday came and went, Ashley still refused to go into work. One more day and he would be fired, but his mother didn't want that. "Honey don't let them fire you, it'll look bad. Just go in, work one last day and tell them you quit." She said sitting next to him on his bed. He tried to convince her to change her mind, but she wouldn't. "Just one day, and you're done." She said, hugging him tightly, ...
    her large breasts pushing into his face. Wednesday arrived, and Ashley went to work. Dropping him off outside, she made sure not to let his boss see her. She didn't want anything to get worse for her son, she loved him dearly. As he walked into the building, one bye one, eyes started tracking him. They knew what had happened, and based on the smiles they liked it. Looking around, his boss was no where to be seen, until his palm popped Ashley on the ass. "Hey, Virgin." He said with a big smile. Ashley wanted to hit him, to spit in his face, to kick him in the balls until he cried as much as he had. "What's wrong, rub yourself raw watching those videos I sent?" His boss spoke softly so the customers couldn't hear. "Don't worry, I'll make one with your mom too." He said, smirking and adjusting his dick. "Die!!!" Ashley screamed, lunging forward, kneeing his boss in the balls. Falling to the ground, Ashley's knee continued to raise and fall, smashing into his boss's nuts over and over again. Reaching out, hands wrapped and around his throat, Ashley choked his boss with all the strength he could muster while everyone watched in shock. "Get to work.. Virgin." Suddenly Ashley snapped back to reality, his mental fantasy crashing around him. Giving his boss the worst look he could create, he swayed his hips all the way back to produce. Luckily work was busy, so there wasn't a lot of stares or anyone bothering him. Just when Ashley felt like the day would turn out okay, his cell phone ...