1. Betrayed by Everyone Complete

    Date: 10/21/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Cheating, Cruelty, Cuckold, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Violence, Author: Nebic, Rating: 82.4, Source: sexstories.com

    into the living room, his mother seemed upset. "Honey I'm so sorry, work just called." She said sincerely, grabbing her car keys. Ashley didn't remember hearing her phone ring, but he was in the shower. "Is the party off?" Ash asked. "No I just wont be able to drive you, you'll have to ride your bike." She said before hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry honey, it really shouldn't be long. I'll meet you there as soon as I'm finished. Your friend Mark texted me and said he's bringing the cake, so they should already be there." She said, giving his cheek a kiss. Watching her leave upset him, but he hoped it wouldn't ruin his birthday. He still had friends waiting on him, so he jumped on his bike and started riding. The bowling alley was only a few miles away, so it took him 30 minutes before he arrived. Walking in, he found the bowling alley empty, no cake, no friends, only the old man behind the counter. Surprise party he thought, walking around, waiting for his pals to jump out. After no one surprised him, he started thinking they just hadn't arrived, so he sat down and waited. The low rumble of thunder could be heard outside as he stared at the ceiling. Getting frustrated he decided to text his best friend. "Dude, are you coming?" He sent the message. No reply after five minutes, but just as he was about to try again, the phone buzzed. It was from Mark, but his text seemed odd. "Yeah I'm about to cum lol." The text read. Now it had been nearly an hour, and still no one had ...
    arrived. Getting a sick feeling in his stomach, Ashley texted a different friend. "Hey where are you?" He sent, again it took a few minutes for the reply. "I'm in line waiting my turn, lol" Came the reply. Panic descended on him, what were his friends doing without him? With his hands shaking, he ran to the bathroom and sat in a stall, he could hear rain starting to fall outside the bathroom window. His mouth going dry, he decided to text two more people, terrified of what they would say. First his mother. "Mom, are you done yet?" His hand shook in fear, worried how she would respond. It didn't take long for her to respond, but her answer didn't help him. "We're about to finish, honey." She replied. His heart raced, unsure if she was talking about her co-workers, or much worse, sex with his friends. With one choice left, he texted his boss. "What's going on?" He sent, waiting to see how his boss would react. Maybe it was nothing, perhaps it was just a silly misunderstanding about what time they should arrive. The idea of his boss fucking his girlfriend flashed through his mind, and made his dick jump. His phone buzzed loudly in the toilet stall, echoing against the walls. "Having a party, you?" Came his boss' reply. Ashley felt a familiar panic inside himself, overcome with fear he clicked his phone's buttons even faster demanding an answer for where his friends were. There was no reply for at least five minutes while Ashley sat alone on the cold seat. Finally his phone buzzed, ...