Willy Wiley and Fanny Annie Get it on!
Date: 11/14/2017, Categories: Sex Humor, Author: rockyharte, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
up and I settled down. What followed was more intense beating and goo spraying for the years that followed. My first experience was when my master was 19. My master was invited to some sort of a freaky dance party where everyone drinks and freaks out to music. Anyway to cut the long story short, my master met this girl at the party and after he downed a few bevvies, he invited her to his abode. Now the lights were on and my master sat on a chair, as he always does and proceeds to pull down his pants, supposedly to show me off. And there she was. Standing in front on me, once the girl's tea bag knickers were removed, was none other than Fanny Annie. I really don't like Fanny Annie. When I was the size of a chipolata, she met me in the showers after swimming and insulted me. She called me a microscopic worm. I got my own back though and called her gummy, because she was a hairless, toothless twat. However, I haven't seen Fanny Annie since and now when I looked at her, she has matured into a very beautiful Annie. "Hi Fanny Annie, hows it going?" "Oh hello Willy Wiley. You use to be a micro worm as I recall" "yeah. those were the days" "Yeah, and look at you now, you're a big microscopic worm". And Fanny Annie laughed. Right that's it, I thought" "You are so fat Fanny Annie, even Moses couldn't pull you apart" and I laughed. She gave a frosty knicker frown and replied, "You are so ugly Willy Wiley, you would give Freddy Krueger nightmares". "Its like that is it?" I groaned. "You ...