Willy Wiley and Fanny Annie Get it on!
Date: 11/14/2017, Categories: Sex Humor, Author: rockyharte, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
I love my job, don't get me wrong. But I have had a hard life, I mean, my hair is a mess, my f****y are nuts, my neighbour is an asshole, and my master beats me. However, there is one good thing that has made my life complete is my best friend Patricia Pussy. I wouldn't have a bad word said about Patricia Pussy. She is sweet and enjoys making me cum. She is also very funny. Like one time her owner took her to a bridge, and threatened to piss off the bridge like men do. So the owner goes to the side of the bridge, squats over the the water and pulls down her knickers and she tells her friend, "you see that canoe below me, I am going to pee on that canoe." Patricia Pussy felt well embarrassed because it wasn't a canoe her owner was looking at, it was Patricia Pussies reflection. Yes, you've guessed it. I am indeed a talking penis and my name is Willy Wiley. I work terribly hard for my master, doing physical labour which leaves me exhausted; I work in great depths, damp environments, high temperatures with poor ventilation, and exposure to contagious diseases; always the one to take the proactive approach and dive in head first; there are no public holidays or weekends off. I don't mind this as I get the opportunity to go into Patricia Pussy when she gets wet. However, many years ago, my master use to really beat me. I mean near enough twice a days for years. He use to put his hand around me and literally choke me to death. It was insane!! I'm not sure what pleasure he got out ...