Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: Wilful, Rating: 22, Source: LushStories
cry.” “I’m not a man,” I blurted out, the utter humiliation seizing me in undignified sorrow. I bawled into my knees, unable to keep myself from wailing like a banshee. I felt the moist heat of her presence as she crouched down beside me and draped her left arm across my back. “Shhh,” she soothed in my ear, placing her other hand on my knee. “Men don’t do that,” I sobbed hysterically. “Men don’t let that happen.” I had us at the fence line. Our weapons aimed, fingers on the triggers, but safety switches on, we were on the brink. It was my decision to keep us there. It was my decision to hold our fire. It was my decision to do nothing. Tabitha laid her cheek on my shoulder. She knew better than to argue with me at that moment. She just held me close and tried to comfort me. I needed time to come to terms with what had happened, to get it all out. The frozen terror I forced us all to watch would be forever burned in our memories. I would never forget the chilling evil that stared back at me up the barrel of my own rifle, provoking me. They wanted me to fire. God knows I wanted to as well. My men were begging me to give the order to shoot. Our blood was boiling. But it was mine to keep my cool. “You saved our lives, Corporal,” she whispered when my outpouring had finally reduced to a pitiful shiver. “You saved all of us.” The officer would have explained to the medical staff that protecting the hospital and the people within it meant abandoning those on the other side of the ...