Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: Wilful, Rating: 22, Source: LushStories
their presence felt in such a perfect moment. Tiny, choking tendrils of reality that just had to remind me that my respite was only temporary. Even now, some twenty years on, I can still taste them. Tabitha sat back, my softening cock squelching uncomfortably in her wetness, then slipping from her. Holding my face in both hands, she gazed earnestly into my eyes. There was no smile, nor frown; just a deeply penetrating stare. She licked her lips, then kissed me softly on the mouth before dismounting me. I watched her roll onto the concrete next to me and untangle the empty leg of her scrubs which were hanging from her other ankle. I didn’t know what to say. Conscious I was staring, I wrestled myself back into my pants and did up my uniform. I could hear her grunting and scuffing beside me as I got my webbing fastened, and couldn’t help but sneak another peek. She was arching her back to get her scrubs up over her ass. When she finally did, I scanned up her body. Her breasts, the first time I noticed them, were pressed tightly against her top. Tabitha cleared her throat, causing me to shoot my gaze up to her ...