1. ProfNigma Stories #9: Learning Curves #1

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    had big light green eyes, her ears stuck out a little bit, each adorned with at least three piercings, and she had a tiny ring in her left nostril. "Freddie," Jade said, trying to be cordial to introduce her roommate to her boyfriend who seemed to be checking her out, "This is Noelle. Noelle, this is my boyfriend, Freddie." "Look at you being the nice mediating hostess," Freddie joked, earning a strange glance from the new girl. "Don't be fooled- she's really mean deep down." "Jade's been super nice to me so far…" the raven haired teen said softly, actually unsure if Freddie was joking. There was an awkward silence as Freddie helped Jade unpack some of her stuff and get set up, but it seemed like every other thing he tried to do, she shoo'ed him away, citing that it was 'secret stuff.' Noelle was nearly done and she actually spent a little bit of time watching the couple, and wondering some things to herself. However, for the first time today, the girl wasn't checking him out. Noelle didn't want it to come out, and she really hoped that Jade wouldn't find out and freak, but she was fast developing a little crush on Jade. The shy teen knew nothing would ever come of it, but Jade's style, attitude, everything really about her was right up Noelle's alley. "So, where are you from?" Freddie asked, trying to make non-awkward conversation, snapping Noelle out of her trance. "Oh… umm… Michigan." "Wow," that's a pretty huge change," Freddie said, hoping that Jade would join the ...
    conversation. "What brought you all the way to LA?" "Not sure… just needed something different. I lived in this small town, and I just knew that it was not where I wanted to spend the rest of my life." "Cool," Freddie said with his back turned, opening a box he was pretty excited to see contained Jade's underwear, both the normal and special variety. The box was quickly snatched from his hands by an annoyed Jade, prompting Freddie to re-join the conversation. "I'm from Seattle. Jade is from here in LA." "Yeah…" Noelle said, catching a peek inside Jade's recently recovered box, her mind going blank. "She… mentioned that." Silence returned as Noelle finished the last bit of her unpacking and Jade and Freddie neared the end of what she would allow him to see and help her with. The couple had to use a lot of restraint because ever since the moment they locked eyes in the hall, all either one had wanted to do was to pin the other one to the ground and ravage their body. Jade was desperately hoping that Freddie would be able to spend his nights in here, but she was really on the edge about having to deal with Noelle. Especially not knowing how she might feel on that subject. "I guess we should go help Tori out with her room," Jade said, knowing that being in this enclosed space and this close to Freddie would be too much for her eventually. "I mentioned I'd help her… Guess I shouldn't be a liar." "You're so thoughtful, babe," Freddie said, kissing her cheek. "I actually saw her before I ...