1. ProfNigma Stories #9: Learning Curves #1

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    from getting ready in the morning," Trina joked. The s*sters laughed and took a deep breath to sigh out, and before they could reach the door, Trina had stopped. "I'm gonna head home, Tor… I promised I'd have lunch with mom and dad before we head over to my school." "Seriously? They offer to have lunch with you, but they just shove me out of the house with stuff and say good luck?" "Look, Tori," Trina said, preparing herself for an emotional heart to heart. "We've known for a while that mom and dad, like everyone else, loves me more than you. It's not your fault… I just bring a certain-" "I get it Trina," Tori muttered. "Go have lunch and tell mom and dad I love them. I will text you guys later." Tori watched her s*ster disappear, heading for the parking lot, before heading into the dorm. She prayed that whoever her roommate was, that she would at least be better than Trina. Tori was only on the first floor, so at least she didn't have to lug stuff up all over the place. She stared at her door, which clearly said 'V. Vega and', but the name beside it had been marked through with a permanent marker, concealing the roommate's identity. Opening her door, she expected to see the friends she had left in here when she got the dishonestly 'urgent' text and headed out. On the desk was a note. -Vega, Went to lunch at the shithole they serve us at, so just find your way there and I, Freddie, Cat, and Noelle should be there. Also, I used your absence to look through all your drawers. ...
    Just letting you know. -Jade PS: You have no sex toys. That's weird. You need to look into that. Well, Tori thought, at least she was thoughtful enough to leave her a note. Not sure why she didn't text me though. Shrugging off her friend's actions, she sat down on her bed, for the first time, feeling the exhaustion of the day, and it wasn't even half over. Her mind raced over the concept of going to school here, and it scared her already. The classes hadn't even started yet, but the youngest Vega was scared pretty senseless by the thought of being on her own and without her parents. And without Jade to 'de-stress' with, Tori knew she might have some troubles. Tori lay back and shut her eyes for a few seconds, taking everything in before she raced off to meet up with her friends yet again. She couldn't help thinking about Beck's roommate and how hot he was. He was like a bigger version of Nate, and at least he showed some genuine interest for her. The thought of dating an older guy was always kinda hot for Tori, and meeting Hunter was not helping that situation. Her fantasy was stopped short when there was a knock at the door. Tori sauntered over to the door and opened it revealing a tanned and tatted blonde holding a couple boxes. "'Sup roomie?" Kelly said as she marched through the door and dropped her stuff off on her side of the room before offering her fist for Tori to pound. "Oh, you have got to be fucking k**ding me…" she said, less than silently to herself as she shut ...