1. ProfNigma Stories #9: Learning Curves #1

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    wanting to go near the hulking guy in Beck's room. Trina didn't speak but darted her eyes over to the guy. "Sorry," she said as softly as she could. "I'm Tori, Trina's s*ster… are you Beck's roommate?" "Hunter… and yeah, certainly seems that way." Tori just nodded, understandably attracted to the guy, but she couldn't put her finger on why. Using her s*ster's entry as a cover, Trina and Robbie slipped out of the room and headed out of sight, leaving Tori and Beck with Hunter. "Look, I was just telling your s*ster how pretty she was, but I think she's pretty much tied down to that p**o lookin' dude. You though… you are way too fine. I gotta go, and no pressure, but my b*****rs and I are having a party tonight. You have got to swing by... I'll save you a drink." The large teen headed out of the dorm, smiling as he successfully hit on two hot s*sters and managed to emasculate two guys. It was a good day, in his mind. "Tori, I don't think you should-" "Beck," Tori snapped. "You don't get to tell me what you think I should be doing." "I get that," Beck said, taking a sigh, "But that dude is bad news. He's a sophomore but he has to live with freshmen because of his behaviour. He's just… not a good person to-" "Look, Beck… I don't care. If you cared about me you never would have hooked up with Kelly… You would have waited. And you certainly wouldn't have done me as bad as you did when we were together." "Tori-" "Just stop… Until you can show me that we are actually friends, I ...
    don't want to friggin' deal with your bullshit." He wanted to reply, but she'd opened and slammed the door behind her, leaving Beck to stand in the center of the room, and look for some outlet for his anger. * * *August 17 12:45pm UCLA- En route to Scott Hall "I can't believe you texted me that I needed to come for an emergency just for a guy!" Trina shouted back at her s*ster. "He was hot and I thought you should see him. You should be thankful I thought of you." "Grateful… yeah, that's the word." Robby sighed and headed back towards his dorm room, separating fully from the Vega s*sters. Once he was gone, they continued their bickering. "You really hurt Robbie's feelings you know, Trina." "I know… I didn't mean to." It was clear that she was actually sorry, but that didn't change the fact that she let it happen, and disrespected her relationship with Robbie completely. "Did you finish moving in?" "Yeah," Tori said, "Cat, Sam, Freddie, Jade, and her roommate all came out to help me. It was actually kinda nice. Kinda wish my s*ster would have been that considerate…" "Whatever Tori… I was helping Robbie." Tori wanted to respond, but he figured that Trina might have a point. At least she was serving someone besides herself for once. "I'm gonna miss you, Tori…" "Trina, we will see each other like every other weekend or so… and that's if YOU never visit ME. It won't be that bad… at least we won't have to share a bathroom." "That would be nice not to have your slow ass holding me back ...