My new girlfriend takes me from fantasy to reality
Date: 11/6/2017, Categories: Cuckold, Author: TopZZ, Rating: 13, Source: LushStories
later. That night we had a relationship changing conversation. It took us a while to warm up the conversation to the kinky stuff, but she broke the ice by telling me she was surprised and turned on by what I had been sending her. After some discussion about that and when I thought it was safe, I said, "I want you to use your imagination and create a fantasy for us. We'll do whatever you want." All I heard on the other end was silence. Oh, fuck. "Are you there?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "Sorry. Just taking all that in." I started back pedaling because I thought I had somehow really screwed things up, but she stopped me. "No," she said. "Really, it's okay. I was just thinking. I mean, we've already been acting out some of these fantasies whether you know it or not. But I--" Whew...I let out a deep oh-shit kind of breath. Because now it was out there. This shit was real, not a fantasy. And then our conversation got interrupted by a call from a business colleague. I really had to take the call. It was late at night. That could only mean really good things or really bad things. I hung up with Gloria and attended to business. Lucky for me it was good news and, in fact, it meant an early return home. I called Gloria back briefly to tell her the news and was happy to hear she sounded genuinely excited. She wanted to continue our talk and so did I, but I had to pack and get ready for more pressing demands. I assured her that she could not possibly make a mistake. We'd just make a ...