1. My new girlfriend takes me from fantasy to reality

    Date: 11/6/2017, Categories: Cuckold, Author: TopZZ, Rating: 13, Source: LushStories

    The turning point came when she told me she wanted to have another guy fuck her with his big cock while I licked her pussy. This is absolutely true. It just came out of the blue and I was really startled. We were in the middle of foreplay at the time and she was in one of those sexual highs where you're sort of involved with and aware of the other person, but your mind is totally focused elsewhere. Clearly she was fantasizing and she just blurted it out. She was squeezing one breast and helping me finger her and was sort of panting and writhing. I just sort of chuckled while I worked her beautiful breasts and muff with my mouth, alternating and moving back and forth quickly. As she was nearing one of her peaks, I slid my cock inside her and quickly brought her to orgasm as I whispered and nibbled and sucked her ear. But I didn't say anything about her little fantasy. I just let it go for the time being, but knew I'd bring it up later. Gloria and I had been dating for six or seven months when her little fantasy slipped out and things had been going pretty well. I travel all the time but she has her own business to run. Hers is a small business with just a few contractors she employs while she does everything else. She makes good money, but works very hard. She's ambitious and assertive and, lucky for me, loves sex. She told me she needs it pretty much every day and it's a great stress reliever. But I travel a lot. Can you see the conflict? We had kissed rather passionately on ...
    our first date but did not have sex. That came (and so did we) on the next date two nights later. Then again two nights after that. And two nights after that. It's funny that the two and two thing happened, but it just worked out that way. It was on the third night together, while we were engaged in foreplay, that she dropped the first of many bombs on me: she had a boyfriend! They had been together for several years and were "in the process" of breaking up. She was done with him emotionally, but she was having a terrible time giving up the sex. They were just very good together in that area and she couldn't quite let it go. Everything else was crap, but the sex: that was great! He was apparently well-endowed and knew exactly where and how she needed things done. He was a sexual convenience at this point. An alternative to masturbation. I felt a variety of emotions at that moment, but Gloria is smart. She knows timing and knew me well enough already that she thought she could bring something up like that while I was in the middle of sex and could do it in a cute enough and elliptical enough way that I ended up aroused rather than angry. She took a chance, of course, but it worked. I wasn't angry--heck, we had just started dating--and besides, that made me the bull! What we worked out initially is that when I was in town, I got her full attention. We had a lot of fun with that because I was bossy as hell. She would be having coffee with her ex at a coffee shop or something and ...