Treat The Queen Like A Whore - Chapter 1
Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Novels, Author: the_lady_of_shalott, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
overcome my anxiety. Crowds of people scare me, large parties overwhelm my senses. If I really concentrate I can handle my share of public speaking but I'd be shaking like a leaf after that. The mass love and admiration held no appeal to me and would push me way out of my comfort zone. Perhaps that attitude may come across as fake modesty but that was how I felt. I'd be more than happy to have just a few friends who were kindred spirits and whom I could talk about anything with. He was changing his girlfriend every week, convinced he could find “someone of better quality”. As corny as it sound all I wanted was just one woman in whose eyes to find all the answers. Silly, right? Dominic would laugh heartily at such statements of mine, that was part of his mind games. Above all, if it were up to me, I'd never even try to compete with my miracle of a brother. I'd be pleased to stay in his shadow, dedicate to my own life, hobbies and passions. I was willing to let him be the king of the world and not question his dominance. Maybe that was what drove him wild. Dominic needed to conquer and if the object of his desires surrendered too easily it was way too easy victory for him. Therefore just the silent acceptance of his younger brother wouldn't do. It all started with simple provocations, open doubt in my masculinity, my battle spirit and abilities in general. I may be an introvert but I am not a pushover so I always fell for his traps. The first time when I couldn't hold back any ...