1. Treat The Queen Like A Whore - Chapter 1

    Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Novels, Author: the_lady_of_shalott, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories

    moment he would graduate and move out. Perhaps then I'd finally be free to build my own world without Dominic The Great and Mighty's influence. His presence was proving to be too much for my sanity and I was suffocated by his overbearing personality. I only allowed myself to shed tears of relief after he was gone. The war was finally over. Of course, we were family and were bound to keep in touch but life took us in different directions. I was free to pursuit my own goals and dedicate fully to ballet choreography – my lust and passion ever since our mother took us to Swan Lake when we were very young. Above all, I could do that without fear of mockery. The following years were like a dream come true. No matter that I wasted a lot of time at high school I succeeded to be admitted at the college that was my first choice. Finally I found myself in an environment at which people shared my interests. The freedom that came with it seemed to release that tension that I've been building inside me all my life. Or maybe it was the fact that I no longer had to worry about my amazing brother. I can't say that I turned from a shy introvert into the life and soul of the party. However I felt a lot more liberated in my communication with people. For the first time in my life I had genuine friends, I worked on projects that I loved and the future seemed bright. I should have been surprised when I learned that Dominic decided to pursue career in music himself. Maybe I give my own persona too ...
    much importance but I often wondered whether that wasn't his ultimate challenge, to show me how he could beat me at any level, even in my world. But of course, he had zero interest in being just an interpreter or part of the process. Dominic had to be on top, at the spotlight, leading and never following. I tried to keep my thoughts away from him and didn't even attempt at checking up on him. However his reputation as an orchestra conductor was not something I could ignore. It was natural that he'd be a God in whatever field he chose. Some mean, jealous part of me had always hoped he'd be a typical case of prodigy kid who never lived up to his potential. Dominic was maturing like the fine wine, though. The only time I was seeing him was during the obligatory Christmas holidays, a great test to my patience and acting skills. I don't know if it was just me or he really was getting more impressive with every passing year. Dominic could choose a job at almost every prestigious orchestra all over the world and he was barely twenty seven at the time. That was about the time when he got engaged to Claire. The first time I met my brother's future wife I was convinced I was talking to a porcelain statue. The second thought that went through my brain was that I could not believe even Dominic was capable of winning over a woman like her. Claire was five years his senior and one of the most promising pianists for the last decade, a rising star. Those who were lucky enough to attend her ...