1. Alex and Vicki: Rumor Has It

    Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: AlexForemen, Rating: 18, Source: LushStories

    over and over again, she said, “Fuck me,” with every thrust, while she pinched and twisted the hell out of her huge nipples. Now I thought it’s time to ask if the sex stories are true… “Ms. Picard… How many students have you taught to fuck like this? Ten? Twenty?” I said. Ms. Picard immediately answered, “Oh who fucking cares Alex, just fuck me, c’mon now, fuck me…” Since she didn’t tell me, I began to ram the shit out of her fucking pussy while I thumbed the hell out of her clit. That got her hotter than fuck, so I asked her again, “C’mon Ms. Picard, tell me, how many, tell me?” Still… No answer. Finally I said, “C’mon Ms. Picard, tell me and I’ll pump so much of my hot fucking cream in you, you’ll fucking beg for more...” A few seconds later, Ms. Picard screamed out, “Oh fuck Alex, I don’t fucking know, a lot of them okay, okay, now shoot your fucking cream, c’mon just fucking shoot it, okay…” “Holy fuck,” I thought… I pumped and pumped her pussy and once I couldn’t hold back any longer – Bam - I pumped seed after seed deep into Ms. Picard. As I continued to seed her pussy, she screamed out, “Oh fuck Alex, ohooo fuck I feel it, I feel it, fill my pussy, fill it, fill it, ohooo fuck yes...” Fuck… While Ms. Picard shook uncontrollably and dripped her juices, I continued to thrust my seeds deep inside of her, and with every thrust she continued to scream. After I shot the last of my load, I simply collapsed onto this incredibly hot lover. > > > > > It took both of us a ...
    couple of minutes to recoup. Once we did Terri and I shared a few kisses. Shortly thereafter I climbed up and into the driver’s seat and started her car. It didn’t take long for the windows were clear, so I told Terri to stay put in the back seat while I drive us back. On the way back to Terri’s house, were about a mile down the road when her fucking car died. Luckily I was able to safely pull the damn thing to the side of the road. Needless to say I was shocked. I quickly turned around to Terri and said, “Your car really did die out on you tonight?” “Yes Alex, it did… I told you its done it a few times now, didn’t I,” she said. “But Terri, remember when I said ‘there’s really nothing wrong with your car, is there,’ you nodded your head no.” That’s when Terri spilled the beans, “Alex, I just said all that shit to turn us on… It worked, didn’t it?” “Damn,” I thought. Now I felt like a big fucking asshole, so I apologized to Terri for saying all those things. Then, and to my surprise, Terri said, “Alex, no need to apologize, that was the hottest fuck I’ve had in years.” While Terri and I sat in her car and talked, she said that she knew all about the rumors. Terri even said that her ex accused her of it in divorce court, but not one student came forward to validate his accusations. Finally she said, “Alex, that’s why I own his house, I countersued the bastard for slander and he lost.” “Wow,” I thought, and then I tried to restart her car. It still wouldn’t start. After several more ...