1. Alex and Vicki: Rumor Has It

    Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: AlexForemen, Rating: 18, Source: LushStories

    that while Vicki and I talked, she became pretty excited about me being with the infamous Ms. Picard. Just before we ended our conversation, she said, “Hon’, we’ve talked about the rumors about Terri, about her having sex with her students, so Hon’, do whatever it takes to find out if the rumors are true.” “Okay, how?” I thought to myself… So I asked Vicki, “Babe, you want me to interrogate Mr. Picard?” “Well Hon’, yeah, kind of I guess, if that’s what it takes,” Vicki said. “And Vicki, what do you mean by ‘whatever it takes?’” I asked. “Hon’, if you need to use ‘Big Alex’ to pump her full of truth serum, just do it. I don’t care if it takes you all night… I want to know,” Vicki said with a hearty laugh. “Okay Babe. But don’t wait up! I love you,” I said with a laugh. > > > > > Seeing as it’s early Saturday morning now, and considering how scantily dressed Terri was, and all the rumors, I agreed to stay. Terri suggested we go out to her patio, and on the way she grabbed a bottle of tequila and a couple of glasses. As we sat and talked I expected our conversation to get sexy. After all, her near naked body was right there for the taking, and she made no attempt to cover up. Instead, Terri told me about her divorce and what a shit-head her ex was. To be honest, I really didn’t care. Our depressing conversation ended any excitement I initially had for this scantily dressed woman. By the time I finished my drink I was more than ready to leave. Terri seemed to pick-up on the ...
    fact that she was boring the fuck out of me. When my drink was empty she said, “Forgive me Alex, please stay for one more drink… I’ll stop talking about the bastard, I promise.” “Terri, it’s late and I really should be going,” I said. After I said that, Terri stood up and started to cry. As much as I wanted to walk away I didn’t have the heart to, so I offered Terri my shoulder to cry on. Once Terri stopped crying she just held me tight. At this point I thought Terri was never going to let go, so to get her to stop I suggested that we try her car again to see if it starts. Terri looked pissed that I was going to leave her, so she grabbed her glass and drank the last sip of her tequila, and a second later she poured herself another shot and downed it too. After that we went out to her garage. > > > > > When we reached her car, Terri sat down in the driver’s seat with her legs spread wide open. I couldn’t miss her seductive move, or the fact that her pussy lips were moist and glistening. Fact is they were just begging to be fucked. When Terri turned the key over, her car started, and then she shut if off. After Terri shut her car off she didn’t say a word. Instead, she made eye contact with me, and then she put a hand on her perfectly trimmed pussy. Once she knew she had my complete attention, she ever so slowly stroked her tempting pussy. As I watched with anticipation, her fingers slowly moved up and down between her pussy lips. Next, she reached under her see-thru nighty and ...