Contract Hit Man7
Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: mitchawa, Rating: 1, Source: LushStories
my bundles at the guy closest to me knocking him down, and before the other guy could react I kicked him in the balls. I turned to the other guy and hit him square in the stomach. He groaned in pain and rolled into the fetus position. “Hurry Gia, pick up your things and follow me.” I picked up most of her stuff and ran to the car throwing the clothing into the back seat. I took the items she was carrying and put them in the back also. “Get in and hold on.” I sped away as fast as I could down the alley and turned left onto the main drag. As I turned I heard gun shots, fortunately, none of them hit the SUV. I made a number of turns and drove as fast as I could to the freeway toward the hotel room I’d rented. “Who was that?” Gia asked as her entire body trembled as though she was cold. “The mafia, they were part of the gang who killed your brother and the gang. If I hadn’t gotten you away from them, it would have been the worst experience of your life. I drove the speed limit to the Quality Inn. Took one suitcase and carried inside and registered as Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Joyce. I was given the key and followed the bellhop to our room 312. I tipped him and closed the door. I sighed, “You’re safe for now.” “Thank you, Dale you’re my hero. Are you going to stay with me Mr. Joyce?” She laughed I laughed too. “No, I have work to do. I’ll pick you up tomorrow afternoon and put you in a safer place.” “I was so looking forward to you fucking me.” “There’s not enough time to do everything ...