Contract Hit Man7
Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: mitchawa, Rating: 1, Source: LushStories
at 73 West Hubbard that was only three miles away from the coffee. It cost almost five thousand dollars a month, but money wasn’t an issue when it came to revenge. I rented an SUV at an Enterprise establishment to use tomorrow, but on my way to Ayana’s apartment I remembered Gia and her dead brother. What was she going to do without him? I drove toward her apartment, parked the van and walked the rest of the way. I assumed the police would have interviewed her by now, but I was careful walking into the building and using the stairs to get to her apartment. I knocked on the door. About a minute later I heard Gia’s voice, “Who is it?” “It’s I let me in.” She opened the door and crying jumped into my arms. I carried her into the room, kicked the door shut, and kissed her softly. “Did you hear about Al and the gang?” “Yes, that’s why I’m here. How are you going to live without his support?” “I’ve been crying about that since I got the news. I may have to work the streets as a hooker.” “That’s not going to happen. I have an apartment; I can put you in for a month starting tomorrow night.” “What am I going to do after that?” “I’ll think of something. You don’t have to worry. Tell me did the police interview you about Al’s death.” “Yes, they were here. There were two of them: an old guy and a young woman probably in her late twenties.” “What did they ask you?” “I couldn’t answer most of their questions because I didn’t know any specifics of what he did. I knew he was the leader of ...