A Question of Gender
Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: marlowe, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
voice, choking back a lump in his throat. “Laced with a dozen paracetomol tablets, if I was a betting man,” he muttered silently. “Well, how do you like it?” Sarah teased, smiling at his nervousness, her face smeared with black mascara and red lipstick, nonchalantly patting a hand on the pillow and adjusting her weight on the bed. He stood up. He sighed. He sat back down. He stared into the face of a circus clown smiling with comical amusement. He lowered his voice to a furtive whisper, his questioning eyes demanding answers. “What the fucks going on. He must know I’ve been shagging his woman and all he wants to do is make me fucking coffee?” The funny face of the clown looked back with a teasing smile, a throaty chuckle making her tits wobble, lifting her shoulders in playful defiance, a question forming behind her teeth. “He wants to know how you like your coffee.” “Strong and black with no sugar,” he sighed. The haunting sound of footfalls echoed up the creaking stairs with agonising slowness, the cold reality of confrontation hanging in the air, shuffling nervously on the bed, clenching and unclenching his fists, scanning the room for a weapon, catching sight of Sarah’s crutches lying on the floor next to the bed, staring at the door, watching and waiting, the cold chill of fear washing over him, hairs standing on the back of his neck, goose pimples on every part of his body, his brain radiating assertive hostility, his mind conjuring images of a violent man with the ...