1. At the DIY Store

    Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: footprint, Rating: 9, Source: LushStories

    tantalising flesh, he could feel his cock start to twitch. But I must be twice her age, he thought, and her dad would surely throttle me for even thinking about her that way. “These are what you want,” he said, tapping the hanging packets of plugs. She brushed her hand against his as she plucked some off their hooks. “Nice tats, by the way,” she said, giving him a smile. His tee shirt showed off his colourfully decorated arms. “Thanks. You got any?” “Ha! My parents would kill me. Sixteen's too young, so they say. You ain't got that worry no more, right?” “Yeah, right.” He stared down at her subtly makeup'd face. Her eyes were blue and big. Her nose small with a little stud in one side, which sparkled as she moved her head and it caught the light. Her lips were coloured a light pink. “What's this?” She ran her finger along his biceps, tracing a tattooed line with her painted nail. He felt a tingle within his groin as she lingered her finger upon his flesh with unmistakable intent. “Eagle,” he said, having to clear his throat before speaking. He stared at her, following the lines of her lips, and the curve of her chin, with his greedy eyes; down still his gaze went, to the bump of her breasts and the pure, white cleavage on show. He felt his lips dry and his pulse quicken. In that moment, he heard nothing, only the beat of his own heart pumping blood through his veins. “Evelyn. Evelyn!” A man's voice was calling, getting closer. She withdrew her hand. A flash of guilt crossed ...
    both their faces. “Shit, my dad,” she said. “I'd better go,” William said. He fled like a burglar after being discovered. She watched him go, biting her lip. *** William continued his shopping, going through the items on his list. The interruption of her father had really put a downer on his afternoon. He experienced a certain listlessness as he absently dropped items into his basket. Evelyn. He now knew her name, at least. She'd been cute, funny, sexy. Thinking about her again brought a rush of blood to his cock before he knew it. He wondered where she was now, had her parents finished their shopping and taken her home? He wandered into the plumbing section and nearly bumped into someone rushing in his direction, hair streaming behind her. They both stopped before they collided. It was her. He didn't realise, but a big grin spread across his face as it did hers. “I snuck away,” she said excitedly. William didn't need to ask from whom. He put his basket down, forgotten now. “Let's go.” They both knew the score, no further articulation was necessary. She took his outstretched hand and they raced to the rear of the store. “Where are we going?” she asked, when he seemed not sure about where to go next. “Somewhere... secluded.” She poked him playfully in the ribs. “You doofus. You don't know, do you?” He shrugged and grinned. Evelyn pointed. “Let's go to the kitchen section. Looks kinda deserted. And big.” The kitchen section featured a dozen example kitchen designs of differing ...