1. At the DIY Store

    Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Quickie Sex, Author: footprint, Rating: 9, Source: LushStories

    William browsed the array of batteries on display. Each little pair trapped in their own clear plastic and cardboard prison. He ran his finger along the row before him, then descended to the next one, searching for the correct size. Around him, a handful of other shoppers had also decided to spend their Saturday at the out-of-town DIY store on this typically drizzly English spring day. He found the right ones and dropped two packs into his basket, the same lime green colour as the store logo. He checked his list for the next item, looked up at the signs hanging above each aisle, gently swaying in the air conditioned roofspace, and made his way to the third aisle. His new moccasins squeaked occasionally on the polished floor as he walked. A pair of blue jeans and a clean white tee shirt finished his ensemble. He reached the aisle, noticing at the other end two grown-ups and what William surmised was their teenage daughter. She had her hands on her hips, a petulant teenage pose. Her father handed her a piece of paper. “Don't argue, just get these whilst we browse the lawnmowers,” he barked. She snatched it, spun on her heel, and started to march down the aisle. William quickly averted his gaze and pretended to look at some shelving brackets before him. When he looked again up the aisle, the parents had gone and the girl was frustratedly tugging items off their holders, scowling at them, then putting them back. He couldn't tell how old she was, but she was slim and good looking. ...
    She wore a short little denim skirt, which showed off her thin white legs to great effect. A small sleeveless V neck tee shirt with a bold, repeating floral pattern covered her torso, hugging her small, round breasts. Her hair, long and light brown, trailed halfway down her back and swayed like tall grass in a breeze when she moved. She looked up from the shopping list clutched in her hand, and saw him staring. There was nothing he could do, it was too late. He couldn't turn away and pretend he hadn't be looking. So, he took a few steps towards her, cleared his throat, and spoke. “You look like you need some help.” She wrinkled her little button nose. “That obvious, huh?” she joked. William shrugged. “Look at this,” she said, flicking the list with a finger. “Rawl plug? What the fuck's a rawl plug?” William edged closer, he didn't think she was going to bite. Her sweet, crisp perfume drifted in his direction. He breathed it in. She held out the list for him to see. Her pink nail varnish matched the pink of her painted toes, he noticed. She wore sandals. “This is what you get for taking a sickie from school yesterday,” she commented, “your parents drag you round this place on your weekend.” “Is isn't that bad, is it?” William asked. “You're here by choice. I'm not.” “Point taken,” he smiled. “Rawl plugs are just over there.” He led her along the opposite side of the aisle to where they hung. He couldn't help his eyes from straying to her legs. Her short skirt revealed so much ...