1. Exploring Adam 1

    Date: 10/27/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: Damon9888, Rating: 10, Source: LushStories

    other. I quite liked the experience, enough to try it again with someone else I met in a chat room. That time was not as good. He had a much smaller cock, and kind of got pissy with me when I wouldn't swallow. Then I hooked up with the first guy again, and managed to savor the experience somewhat more. It left me with a taste for it, but then I got together with a woman for an ambivalent six-month relationship, and when I was single again I couldn't find my suck buddy in the rooms any more. Oh, well. I suppose a lot of you reading think I was pretty timid for not just picking someone up at a gay bar, but the whole thing was still quite new to me, and as I said, I was really only interested in sucking. Anyway, the whole experience was a year behind me when Adam came to stay with me that May. I recognized him as soon as he stepped off the bus. He was still very much the kid I'd known, but he was tall and slim now, with an unruly thatch of black hair and a narrow, very handsome face. He was quite good-looking now, and I caught a number of the co-eds in the station looking at him appreciatively. He'll do well at university, I found myself thinking. He was pleased and excited to see me, and mercifully didn't display any of the sullen or disaffected teenage angst I loathed. He was extremely grateful that I was letting him stay with me, and in fact wouldn't stop thanking me from the moment I met him to when we finally arrived at my apartment in my old, beat-up Civic. I finally had ...
    to tell him to stop, that I was happy to have him, and that we would have a lot of fun while he was here. "And I'll get out of your hair whenever you like, so you don't always have me around," I promised. Oddly, that seemed to upset him a little. "But you do want to hang out, right?" "Of course. I just mean, let me know if you want to go off on your own." That seemed to relax him. "Okay, cool. But I was really hoping I could spend some time with you." "No problem," I said, and I meant it by then, he was a nice kid, and I was in a bit of a lull school wise, so I was looking forward to showing him around campus. My apartment was a small one-bedroom on the third floor of a house. Once we were inside, he seemed to get a little nervous and jittery. I showed him the futon couch, telling him that's where he would sleep, and offered him a drink. "You drink beer, I'm guessing?" He nodded, and I handed him a bottle. I bustled around the living room a bit while he sort of followed me around, and I kept up a chatter about the university. I turned, and was startled to find him standing right behind me, uncomfortably close. His eyes had a look in them that was a little scared, a little forlorn. "Adam?" I asked, concerned, and suddenly he leaned forward and kissed me. It completely took me by surprise, so much so that I didn't pull away. The kiss was urgent but chaste - his lips met mine, hard, but he did not open his mouth. He pulled away just as suddenly, stepping back, his hands coming up ...