1. Exploring Adam 1

    Date: 10/27/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: Damon9888, Rating: 10, Source: LushStories

    When my old friend Doug called and asked if I'd be willing to let his little brother Adam stay with me for a few days, my first thought was how boring it would be for the kid. "He's seventeen," I protested. "I don't know how to entertain a seventeen-year-old." "Don't worry about it," Dough reassured me. "He's a good kid--nothing like your average teenager, and he's mature for his age. Besides, he'll only be seventeen for another month." "That helps?" "Maybe not, but he's always worshiped you." "Sure, when he was nine years old." Doug was a friend of mine from high school, and we had done our undergrad degrees together. I spent a lot of my time at his house, and Adam was always around. He'd been like a puppy dog, sometimes irritating, but a good kid nevertheless. I'd been fond of him. But I hadn't seen him in years, and knew too well how good-natured kids could turn into nightmare teenagers. "Don't worry," Doug said again. "He wants to check out the university, but doesn't have the money for a hotel. When I suggested he stay with you, he got totally excited." "Thanks for asking first," I said sourly, but knew that I would give in. Even if I dreaded spending several days with Adam, it was a favor for Doug, and I'd have felt like a dick for turning him down. So I said yes, and Doug said, "Great. Can I tell him you'll meet him at the bus station." "Sure. He still look the same? He hasn't gone goth or emo, has he?" Doug laughed. "No, no. He's kind of a nerdy jock. Swim team and ...
    math club. Still looks the same, but a lot taller." Well, that sounded better, I thought. Nerds I could deal with. I was, after all, doing grad school, which most teenagers would find baffling. So Doug told me the day and time he'd be arriving, and I wrote it on my calendar. Seeing as how you probably have an idea of where this story is going, perhaps I should give you some personal background. At the time of this story, I was twenty-eight, in the midst of a doctorate at a university in a small university town. I was pretty good-looking and fit at the time (I'm still good-looking, just not as fit), and essentially hetero. I had, in fact, earned something of an undeserved reputation as a womanizer. But I had been bi-curious for a number of years. It started with reading gay erotica, then checking out gay porn, and then finding my way into bi-curious chat rooms. I wasn't really interested in the full range of the gay experience, I was just fascinated with the prospect of sucking cock. Every so often when I jerked off, I'd do something like stick a candle in my ass. While I liked it, I never really thought seriously about fucking or getting fucked, I just wanted to suck someone off. I finally got the courage to hook up with a guy I met in a chat room - he seemed safe, as he was married, and also only seemed interested in trading blowjobs. No kissing, he said clearly, and nothing beyond sucking. Fine by me. He came over to my place one afternoon, and we dropped our pants for each ...