Nicole and Her Busnessman, Part 2
Date: 10/25/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: jaycox, Rating: 11, Source: LushStories
and tears flowed. Finally, after about 45 minutes the officers got it straight and cuffed fat man and took him away. Wilson came back into the room and grabbed the phone. He made a series of calls that I didn't understand. One to a lawyer, another to someone in a big hotel chain I had heard of, and the last to the general manager of our hotel. "Honey, what's wrong now?" Wilson asked. "Wilson what will I do?" I sobbed. "I'll be fired! What can I tell my parents?" Then I told him the whole story, all my fears, losing my job for sure, my mother and father, I would be ruined. "Nikki, honey don't worry, it's going to be just fine. You're safe and that's what matters most." "Wilson, what did you say to the policeman when he ran down the hall? What did you call me?" I asked. Did I hear him right? It was all so confused. Maybe I heard what I wanted to hear. He looked at me and hesitated; then he said in a soft voice, "I called you my fiancee. I know that was presumptuous. I didn't even ask you. Before you slap my face and tell me I’m an awful, old man, let me explain. You've been on my mind day and night for months, ever since the last trip here. When I walked into the lobby, yesterday something clicked in my head. I knew then I wanted you to be my wife. I was going to ask you tomorrow evening at dinner but events overtook us." "How could you marry me? Why, we haven't even... uh, you know..." "I don't need to know about that, Nikki. I know how fine you are and how kindly you ...