1. Nicole and Her Busnessman, Part 2

    Date: 10/25/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: jaycox, Rating: 11, Source: LushStories

    "Honey, this is George Rafferty, our longtime counsel in this area. He will be your contact whenever you have any questions about this case. Since we will be leaving today, he needs to spend a little time with you going over the incident." “Wilson, why are they all here besides the assault? Mr. Grady sounded like you were his boss?” “I am, Nikki. I bought this hotel last year. One of my business holdings is a set of medium size resort hotels in key areas. This one fit and the bonus was you worked here,” he said, smiling at me. “George is our local counsel and an old college friend.” “Oh, I don't know what to say, Wilson,” I stammered. “Where are we going to in New York? “To my apartment for two days and then we'll decide what to do next.” I looked at him and saw only trust and love in his eyes. Even though, I felt nervous and fearful of the unknown, it was what I wanted, my prince had come. Now what?