Nicole and Her Busnessman, Part 2
Date: 10/25/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: jaycox, Rating: 11, Source: LushStories
grabbed the house phone, got an outside line and called his office in New York. Shit, it was already 7 PM there. Eight rings later his secretary, Shakira, picked up the line. "Honey, it's Wilson. I took a nap and slept right through the conference call with Europe. Jesus! I'm in trouble. Get me Scott, wherever he is and pray I can mend the fences," he said with irritation in his voice. Loving Nikki and business were already at odds. "Don't worry, Sir, it was canceled. The German affiliate didn't have all the data you requested yet. Something about unrest in North Africa today that jammed the wires. It will be redone as soon as they can get things patched up," Shakira said. "Thank God, I could have messed up a lot of work. I dozed off reading a boring book. Anything else?" "I've made the arrangements for two at the Acapulco Princess you requested for the week after next. Rudi has requested clearance over Mexican airspace and everything should be ready to go. I also have things lined up for two in LaJolla, CA this weekend." "Everything? The padre too?" "Yes, Sir." He smiled to himself. It was a gamble that she felt about him as strongly as he felt about her. Would she leave here though? Or would she cut and run at his aggressive move? Tonight may tell. "OK, I'll check in the morning. Unless it's something super urgent just let me be. I'll call about noon New York time. Bye now." He hung up, stood and walked to the window. It was just starting to darken outside as the late ...