1. MIchele's Mistake - 6

    Date: 10/26/2015, Categories: BDSM, Group Sex, Lesbian Sex, Author: THIRDCOAST, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    places a ball gag in my mouth. He places a small silk cloth in my hand. He tells me that I am about to receive my birthday spanking, and the cloth is my safe sign, as my mouth is gagged. He tells me that if I need to stop, I am to drop the cloth. I nod my understanding. I rest my chin on the bar and look at Daddy through his reflection in the mirror. He moves beside me. His legs straddle one of mine. He softly rubs my upturned ass. Its very soothing. I try to take in some calming breaths. Before I can, his hand comes down and smacks my left cheek. I utter a soft moan. Its stings but I don’t have long to feel it before he comes down on my right cheek too. He rubs my ass again. Then his hand comes down very hard, with rapid smacks in alternating motion. I whimper with each blow, but hold my position. I hear the crowd’s response. Some are gasps, others are moans of pleasure. Daddy begins again with another rapid round of smacks. I can feel the heat building on my behind, as well as, my core. He rubs my quickly reddening ass. His fingers slip down between my splayed folds. He groans when he finds me soaking wet. His large finger press into me. I moan with pleasure, easing the sting of my ass. He works them in and out, slowly at first, then faster. I am on edge, and try to make contact with his eyes. When I am about to whimper again with need, he looks up and catches me looking at him. He stop and wipes my juices on my reddened ass cheeks. Daddy moves away for a minute. I watch ...
    him in the mirror. He is bringing back a set of nipple clamps and some weights. First he attaches the clamps to my erect buds. He lets them adjust, before placing weights on each. Daddy gives me a push, and they start rocking. WOW. He begins again with my birthday spanks. Another rapid fire volley, alternating between each cheek. I’m up to 16 now. I am struggling to hold my position. The weights are swinging, causing a steady pull on my tender nipples. When my knees dip, he stops and lets me calm myself. His gentle hand is placed on my belly, lifting my ass. Then on the small of back, to arch my back, presenting a better target. His hand comes down very hard on my right cheek. I’m thinking in my head 17. Then the other cheek. OOhhhh wow, 18. He rubs my burning behind. Its soothing but still the sting is there. He gives me two quick slaps to each cheek. He rubs my ass again. It gives me time to try and calm myself. The weights are still moving, but my nipples are numb now and I just feel the pull on my breasts. He asks if I am ready for the final two and look into his eyes. I see him smiling. I nod. His hand comes down and gives each cheek a very firm smack. They resonate through my body. When I am about to relax, his hands comes down on my splayed pussy, his pussy. Everyone in the crowd yells, “and one to grow on!” I’m writhing on the rail. The weights are moving, pulling on my breasts. When I hear the zipper of your trousers, I look up. He’s behind me and begins to rub his ...