1. MIchele's Mistake - 6

    Date: 10/26/2015, Categories: BDSM, Group Sex, Lesbian Sex, Author: THIRDCOAST, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    my feet to the bottom corners. I am blindfolded and left there. They both tell me I look wonderful and that someone will be in shortly to set the table and turn me into a cake. I hear them giggle as they leave. Time seems to go by slowly, but I’m sure it was only minutes. I hear several people bustling around me. I hear dishes and silverware being placed. I finally hear a rolling cart coming near. I feel something cool being placed around me. I’m assuming that it is slices of cake. When I am fully surrounded by the cool cake, I smell fresh fruit and feel it being placed on me and around me. No one speaks to me. It’s as if I am not there, only a placement for decoration. I finally feel something very cool being placed on my nipples and right above my vulva. I am already greatly aroused, but this is very stimulating. I lay there as everyone seems to leave. I guess that their preparations are done. It doesn’t take long for people to start filing in. I hear chairs moving and people chatting. I hear Daddy’s voice in my ear. He tells me I look scrumptious and that I am making him proud. He tells me to expect people to touch me during dinner. I smile and thank him for his warning and kind words. I smell food being served. Everyone is having polite conversation. It’s a little disconcerting that no one seems to be noticing me. Again, it’s like I’m not there. Occasionally, Daddy will place a morsel in my mouth. The food is very good. I’m not that hungry, as I have been nervous all ...
    day. But I thank him with each treat. Towards the end of the meal, I hear more clinking of glasses and toasts to my “coming out, and Birthday.” I flush with hearing this. Soon a hand touches the bottom of my breast. Another hand slides down my leg. I hear the flick of what sounds like a lighter. Daddy leans in and tells me that candles have been lit for my birthday cake. As the hot wax drips down, I realize that the candles are in the heavy cream on my nipples and right above my vulva. I wiggle a little, as the wax drips on my skin. I bite my lower lips and try to hold still. Soon people are taking some of the cake that has been placed around me. I hear the sounds of a few people getting onto the table with me. They all start to sing “Happy Birthday” and at the end, several people blow the offending candles out. I thank them. Then the candles are taken out of the cream and several tongues are licking the cream from my body. This is very stimulating and I am squirming again. Some hands take up some cake and spread it all over my body. Hands and tongues seem to be everywhere. A very soft tongue is licking my folds, while two others are at my nipples. I get a mouth full of cake, with some of it getting on my face. Just when I am beginning to get overwhelmed with this stimulation, a hard cock is placed in my hand, then another in my other hand. I gently stroke them. It seems as though my entire body is being licked at the same time. I hear moans and assume that many others are being ...