1. Taking My Sister's Virginity

    Date: 8/8/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Written by women, Author: jasmine walker, Rating: 84.6, Source: sexstories.com

    towards me and whispered, although it was loud enough for Lisa to hear, “Sometimes a lady needs a man who knows what he wants and just takes it.” “Is that so?” I asked, glancing at Lisa who was watching and listening intently. Lisa nodded, moving closer to me so only I could hear her, “Sometimes a lady wants to be a tramp.” My already hard cock flinched, as she walked away and went to get a drink with the boss's wife, who apparently didn’t mind buying alcohol for a minor. Frank quipped, “Looks like you’re getting some action tonight.” I laughed, “I think the wine is getting to her.” “Tammy always gets wild with some scotch,” Frank said. “Well, make sure she is getting a scotch,” I suggested, both Frank and Tammy still a very attractive couple in their late forties. “Get her into the scotch and she may want more than just me,” he quipped. “Oh, the beautiful power of booze,” I quipped back. “Indeed, it is the great equalizer,” he nodded, finishing his drink, just as the announcement that the show would begin in five minutes was made. The ladies came back a couple minutes later and I asked, their drinks clearly not wine, “What are you two lovely ladies drinking?” “Liquid courage,” Tammy answered, downing her drink. Lisa added, as she put something made of cloth and slightly damp in my hand, “Tammy calls this panty remover. I know I wasn’t supposed to wear any, but I figured this tiny thing didn’t really count.” She downed the drink as I glanced down to realize she had just ...
    given me her very skimpy thong. I gasped. “Shall we return?” Frank asked. “To the limo?” Tammy questioned, clearly frisky. “Oh, you and scotch,” he said, shaking his head. “You've never complained before,” she relied, moving close to him. He took her hand and led her back to the theatre and I did the same with Lisa, no longer wondering if all her flirtation and innuendo was a coincidence. She definitely wanted to fuck me and now it was me having second thoughts, even as my free hand held onto her damp panties in my pocket. Sitting back down, all my assumptions definitely true, my fantasy now within reach, I was a mess. Usually, I was in charge. I was the man. Yet, having my sister be so aggressive had thrown me a bit. This sudden insecurity was compounded as the first song played and Lisa’s hand slid up my leg and rested harmlessly on my crotch. She didn't squeeze, or rub, she just rested her hand on my very stiff cock. Her hand lingering there drove me nuts. Song after song played, her hand not moving, a constant distraction, a frustrating tease. It was driving me nuts, I couldn't help it any longer as I began to flick my cock in my dress pants, like a dog putting his head under someone's hand for a pet. She smiled slightly, but didn't look at me or take the hint, instead keeping her gaze on the stage and her hand resting on my dick. The last few songs, although beautiful, were excruciating as my dick begged for attention. I wanted to pull my dick out and make her suck me; I ...