1. Taking My Sister's Virginity

    Date: 8/8/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Written by women, Author: jasmine walker, Rating: 84.6, Source: sexstories.com

    staring at her foot, “All guys are nylon guys.” “Really?” she asked, moving her foot up onto my knee, “Why?” “The look, the feel, the allure,” I answered, although I could truthfully never understand what actually turned me on about them. “These are twenty dollar nylons,” Lisa said, putting her hand on her ankle and moving slowly up. “They are super soft.” “They do really accentuate your legs and feet,” I complimented. “Feel it,” she offered. I couldn’t resist such an offer, such a temptation, as I put my hand on the top of her foot and slowly slid it up to her ankle and calf. “I’ve noticed you staring at mom’s legs and feet often,” she revealed a moment later, just as the lights began dimming and the music started. She moved her foot away, leaving my head spinning with what had just transpired over the past fifteen minutes. The next hour plus I vaguely watched the Broadway production, which was amazing, all the while thinking I was the Phantom and she Christine...although it seemed she had already taken off my mask. As the lights came on for intermission, Lisa's boss asked, “Enjoying the show?” Lisa answered, “It was pretty hot,” as she squeezed my hand as if implying she was talking about something else. I added, “Yes, the play is full of complex characters.” Lisa added, looking directly at me, “Yes, you need to see past the outer appearance to really get to know them.” The boss's wife laughed, “I think you two are having one of those inside joke conversations.” Lisa ...
    laughed, “Sorry, we’re still in that early stage of our relationship.” The boss quipped, “Oh, I remember those days.” “Shut up, Frank,” the wife playfully joked. “Just saying, we were pretty wild back then,” he continued. “And I'm not now?” She questioned. “I plead the fifth,” he said, putting his hands up, knowing he was only digging himself into a deeper hole. “Well, we haven't gotten to the wild stuff yet,” I said, hinting to Lisa. Lisa quipped back, “But the night is still young.” “I've never seen this side of you,” Frank said, as we made our way out to the lobby. Lisa shrugged, again squeezing my hand, “All of us are more than we are perceived.” “Well, I like the more outgoing you,” he approved. “I do too,” she nodded, before she and Frank's wife went to the restroom to freshen up. Frank and I talked sports, grabbed a couple drinks on him, and waited for the women to do whatever women do when they go to the restroom. For the record, men like to think you’re having lesbian trysts, but we know it’s more likely you’re just talking about us. I had finished my first drink and was sipping on the other when the ladies returned giggling. The boss's wife said, “I can't believe you haven't made a move on her yet.” “P-p-pardon,” I stammered. “Lisa was telling me that you've known her forever, but that your first kiss was just today because of mistletoe in the limo,” she explained. My face probably showed my shock, but I recovered quickly. “Well, I'm a gentleman.” The tipsy wife leaned ...