1. Fool's Paradise

    Date: 4/21/2017, Categories: Taboo, Author: SITTING, Rating: 31, Source: LushStories

    her lean, tanned legs. All that was over now. Things had changed. All he could think about now was fucking her. He sighed and stretched, easing out the tension in his neck. He flicked on the TV, catching highlights of a UFC fight from Vegas the night before. It was half past seven now. Still time. If she had adhered to exactly what he’d written down, she should be in the park by now. The leaves and twigs would be snagging on her dress as she made her way through the dense undergrowth and he could imagine the annoyance on her face. Maybe she was cursing him under her breath. A girl like Eva would never swear out loud. There’d be other people in the park, but they’d stick to the wide, tidy paths and she’d probably be drawing numerous confused glances. Why would such a pretty girl be out so early, getting such a lovely white dress all messed-up? Max smiled. It was a big park. A long path. Brambles, and holly bushes, he imagined the flashes of light every time the overhead trees parted. Dappled shade, like brandy snaps, the smell of cut grass and flowers, squirrels and birds darting about, and the hazy filter of pollen in the air. There’d be dog walkers, joggers, couples out for a stroll, maybe even some kids playing football or cricket. And Eva. A lone, beautiful figure. Max turned the television off and walked over to the window. The sky had become splotched with grey clouds and it began raining, though the sun didn’t wane. There’d be a rainbow. He opened the living room ...
    window, and let the fresh, clean air in, breathing deeply. He’d always loved the smell of rain. Eva would be close now, out of the park, surely. Heading through the dirty, city streets, maybe running a little to get out of the rain. Tired, breathing hard, her hair damp and the perfection of the dress surely tainted. A minute away perhaps, or even just thirty seconds. The sun was strong, steaming away the rain and Max sat down on the coffee table, flicking through an old magazine. Wishful thinking had never got him anywhere. His marriage to Marie had occurred only because he thought they’d have a fantasy, suburban life but reality had turned out unbearable - possibly the worst three years of his life. Marie was gone. And Eva wasn’t coming. She was probably in the clubhouse at the tennis courts, drinking a cup of PG Tips and waiting for the rain to subside. He threw the magazine down in disgust and ran his hands through his hair. He should go to the gym. Work out all this mindless frustration, get a grip on reality and stop fooling around with dreams and bloody desires. God! He stood up, decision made, but at that very moment the buzzer sounded, loud and unmistakeable as it echoed through the flat. Max’s heart literally skipped a beat. Something between fear and excitement thrilled through him. He swallowed hard, his heart thumping. He told himself it was a delivery. He imagined a young, floppy-haired FedEx guy standing there with a large brown box and one of those little devices you ...