1. Fool's Paradise

    Date: 4/21/2017, Categories: Taboo, Author: SITTING, Rating: 31, Source: LushStories

    the sliver of hope still remained. Max made his bed quickly and efficiently, then showered, threw on shorts and a t-shirt and headed for the kitchen. He splashed milk into a bowl and mechanically ate three portions of cornflakes. His day lay ahead of him, full of possibilities. He could join Alfie at the golf course. He could head to the gym. He could call up his sister and take her kids out for the day. He could call his lawyer, find out if Marie had finally signed the divorce papers. None of it really excited him. He felt restless . She’s not coming. She’s not coming. She’s way too classy for this kind of thing. Coming here would mean commitment. It would mean we were accepting that something had happened between us. This wouldn’t just be a mistake. This would be premeditated fucking. Premeditated betrayal. Not a spur of the moment fuck, not something you make excuses about. She won’t come. She can’t come. I don’t blame her. He remembered the stunned shock on her face when he’d gone by her house earlier that week. It was as if seeing him reminded her of the wrongness of what they’d done. Her mother had been out, and Eva had stood there, twisting her hands behind her back whilst watching him guardedly. He’d made up some bullshit excuse about forgetting that George was away and then the silence had stretched between them, neither of them able to use the harsh medium of words to acknowledge what had happened between them. She’d offered him a drink, which he had politely ...
    declined but she’d disappeared anyway, probably desperate to escape the uncomfortable non-communication. Max had stood in the hall, leaning against the ornate balustrade and wondering what he could say to get rid of the awkwardness. It was stifling, being there with her in that house, George’s house; with pieces of George’s art collection on the walls and George’s classic book collection in the bookcase. The whole place was so entirely George; it felt like the man himself was there, watching them. Inspiration had struck and Max had scrawled a message onto a scrap of paper. The place, the date, what to wear, and of course the directions. He’d gulped down the iced-tea she brought him and pressed the note into her palm before heading back outside. He didn’t know what she’d done with it. He might never find out. All he knew was that the feeling inside him wasn’t going anywhere; even thinking of her made his mouth dry. He’d never really expected her to come. He’d wanted her to, of course, but deep down, he knew he was asking too much. Even if she liked him, even if she wanted the same things that he wanted, it wasn’t a little thing. It was a huge thing. She wouldn’t come, she would be the good, perfect girl and work on her backhand at the lawn tennis club. She had a mean backhand. Max knew this from their occasional games, back before any of the… occurrences had occurred. Back then they’d been friendly and almost fraternal with one another, Max doing well to hide his furtive glances at ...